by and not try to catch you and capture you and put you in

the cage.


Everyone wanted to be caught and was terrified to be caught.

The cage was wooden and had pieces missing and broken. The

rope was just a piece of heavy rope one of the boys found

somewhere or sometimes even just a piece of clothesline stolen

from a backyard. You could hang there for as long as an hour

and the boys would threaten to leave you there and all the

girls would come and watch. And you would feel ashamed. To

be caught or not to be caught. *

When we played witch it was always the boys against the girls

and the boys always chased the girls and it was a hard chase

and we ran places we had never seen before and hid in places

we were afraid of. There was the street with the row houses

facing into it and then there were the back ways behind the

houses, and the distance between the back ways and the front

street connected by an occasional alley between the row houses

was enormous to a girl running. But we never went out of

these bounds, even when we reached the end of the boundaries

and a boy was right behind us. The street was long and at

each end it was bounded by another street and we never crossed

those streets. We never went past the two back ways on to

streets parallel to our own and we never went into foreign

back ways not behind our own houses. In this neighborhood

everyone had their block and you didn’t leave your block. Our

block was white and Jewish. The block across the street on

one end of our street was Polish Catholic. The block across

the street at the other end of our street was black. Even when

we played witch, no matter how hard you wanted to run and

get away, you never left the block.


I would play witch, racing heart.


I would play witch, wanting to be chased and caught, terrified

to be chased and caught, terrified not to be chased: racing



I would play witch, running, racing heart: running very fast,

running away, someone chasing: realizing: you have to slow

down to get caught: wanting to be caught: not slowing down.


I would play witch, already slow, barely chased, out of breath,

hiding, then wander back to where we had started, then wander

back to where the wooden cage was and see the girl hoisted in

the wooden cage, see the clothesline or rope tied to something

and the boys standing there looking up, hear the shrieking.


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