plunged myself past it, through the trampled pasture and toward the districts beyond. There I’d take the rear lift down. The shuttles shone in the darkness. They offered my only escape.

“Wait for me,” I breathed into the cold air. “I’m coming.”


The following individuals get gold stars, love, and a thousand hugs:

Phyllis Ray Fineberg, my mother, who lent me her name for Terra’s. Without her passion for science fiction—Sundays watching Mystery Science Theater 3000, John Carter movie dates—or her help with my bad Yiddish, this book would not be here. Or it might, but it would not be very much fun.

My sister, Emily North, who shares a birthday and a star sign and also shared a childhood with me. You’re my favorite Capricorn. Thank you for being there.

My mother-in-law, Elayne Rudbart, my first and most fervent fan.

All the writers and early readers of this manuscript who offered both critiques and support: Patrick Artazu and Tarah Dunn; the Interrobangs—T. S. Tate, Jaimie Teekell, and Shannon Riffe; the ladies of YA Highway—Leila Austin, Lee Bross, Sumayyah Daud, Sarah Enni, Kristin Halbrook, Amanda Hannah, Kate Hart, Kody Keplinger, Steph Kuehn, Kristin Otts, Amy Lukavics, Emilia Plater, Veronica Roth, and Kaitlin Ward; and my dear, dear Bruisers—Douglas Beagley, Nicole Feldl, Wayne Helge, and Fran Wilde. Thanks for keeping me from going nuts, guys!

Special thanks to Kirsten Hubbard, who mentored me, helping me learn the ropes of this crazy YA book world; Rachel Hartman, brilliant belly dancer and book lover; and Sean Wills, who is just the best. Go make a thing, Sean. I’ll get coffee.

Kelly Lagor, who fixed my science, made it deeper, better, and more interesting. Every sci-fi writer should have their very own plant biologist.

My amazing agent, Michelle Andelman. From the moment you stumbled across that raw paragraph of this book, you’ve been its greatest advocate and defender. Thank you for loving Starglass before it was even done.

Rob Shields, for so perfectly capturing Terra’s sense of longing (and her sartorial choices). She—and Starglass—are so well-dressed thanks to your work.

My stellar team at Simon & Schuster: Lucy Ruth Cummins, Jenica Nasworthy, Karen Taschek, and Angela Zurlo. And especially Navah Wolfe, fellow geek, lover of Indian cuisine, and editor extraordinaire. Thank you for your tireless belief in this book and in my ability to make it better.

And finally, my husband, Jordan. Thank you for all your love and support, for all those elephants, and owls, and television nights, and movies, and books shared, and pages folded over. Thank you, Pookie. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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