He lifted a large shoulder. “Hmmm.”

Now that wasn’t forthcoming. Maggie tapped her foot.

“You’re the head of the Bane’s Council—don’t you know everybody?”

“No.” He prodded the downed man more forcefully than Jase had. “But I know the ones in this area. Somebody else sent these three—I have no idea how they knew you’d be here.”

Maggie’s head jerked up. “Why would wolves be after me?”

“What’s going on, Terrent?” Jase asked not-so-kindly.

The wolf set his jaw.

Maggie shook off anger. “Apparently I’m a big ole slut who fucked wolf-boy senseless ten years ago, and it sounded like more than once.” Heat filled her face.

Jase whirled toward Terrent. “Explain.”

While Maggie didn’t remember any wolves, instinct screamed inside her head that cornering one was a bad idea.

An extremely bad idea.

His eyes flared hotter than black, his jaw firmed, and something dangerous danced on his skin.

But what the hell. “He hunted me for months, knew all about me, and then got all carnal with me. For years, he’s known who I am . . . and hasn’t told.” She slammed both hands on her hips and stepped toward him. “Time to fess up.”

Jase growled low. “The king isn’t going to like your silence, Vilks.”

“I don’t answer to your brother, Kayrs,” Terrent snapped back.

Tension cut through the haze. Maggie sighed and inserted herself between the two furious males. “Let’s all take a deep breath. We’re allies and should act as such.” She pressed her hands together. “While the Bane’s Council doesn’t answer to anybody, they are part of the Realm, and we work as a team.”

The men continued to glare over her head.

Jase settled his stance. “Who the hell is she?”

Terrent’s nostrils flared. Slowly, he turned his head until his gaze pierced Maggie’s. “My mate.”

Chapter Two

Maggie ran.

Pure and simple, she turned tail and dodged through the house and out the back door. The smell of huckleberries hit her first, the glide of a waning sun next. She cleared a rough stone fence with one hurdle, running into the cool forest.

Thank goodness the guest mansion was near the trees.

Even in human form, Maggie’s wolf genes allowed her to see the world flashing by vividly. Bright colors, muted tones, life.

Her toe caught on a rock, and she barely kept from falling.

Windmilling her arms, she regained her balance. She ran until her breath panted, her knees ached, and her mind cleared.


No way. The idea alternatively intrigued and terrified her.

Mated to Terrent Vilks?

No. Not possible. She knew her body, and there was no marking on her skin. No bite marks to show she had a mate . . .

that she belonged to somebody.

She didn’t belong to anybody.

And damn if that didn’t hurt.

Maggie halted and allowed the sun to bathe her. Several deep breaths sharpened her focus. A lumbering rippled through the woods behind her.

So she did what any self-respecting animal would do. She scrambled up a tree.

Bark cut into her hands, and pine needles jabbed into her hair, but she made the climb toward the top. From her vantage point, she could track the man jogging her way. He’d ditched his shoes. Interesting.

Terrent loped to a stop, his head upturned, his nostrils flaring. Slowly, he angled to the side of her tree and peered up. “You’ve been living with cats too long.”

“I live with vampires.” Sure, her best friend was a feline shifter, and they had lived together for some time in NOLA, but now she lived with the fanged.

He shook his shaggy head. “Wolves don’t climb trees.”

“I just did.” She wiped her stinging palms on her shredded jeans.

He kicked loose bark away from his bare, very masculine feet. “You made a mess. A feline wouldn’t have left evidence.”

What the heck did evidence matter? “You can smell me, wolf. Tree bark and trails don’t matter.”

“You can mask your scent.” He eyed the lower branches.

“Just like the three wolves back at the house.”

She stilled and then grabbed the nearest branch for balance. Leaning out, she surveyed him. “What?”

“Come down and I’ll tell you.” Low, deep, his voice wandered under her skin to her sex, settling right in.

She swallowed twice. Her nipples hardened and threatened her pretty pink bra. The man was dangerous on too many levels. She never should’ve agreed to this mission. Not even for the king. “No.”

“Don’t make me come up and get you.” The order held bite.

“You’re not my mate.” The branch below her cracked.

A deep growl rumbled from Terrent. He yanked a picture from his back pocket.

Even from a distance, Maggie could make out the photo-graph of her and Terrent smiling into the camera, their arms around each other. Her hair was a lot longer then. She swallowed. They looked close. “So we knew each other.”

“Yes.” He reached for a branch, only to drop it and grab a different one. His mouth twisted in a pained grimace. “Come down. Now.”

Wait a minute. She bit her lip. Was the big, bad wolf afraid of heights? “I think you should come up and get me.”

He stilled, his gaze piercing through the night. “If I have to come up and get you, little wolf, you’ll regret it.”

She levered out to sit on a thick branch, swinging her feet back and forth. “I’m waiting.” Her singsong voice filled the forest.

“Get back closer to the tree,” he snapped. Red swept across his cheekbones.

“Make me.” She scooted farther away from the trunk, her legs dangling, her hands on a branch above her head. This was the most fun she’d had in too long.

“Damn it, Maggie.”

“Tell me the truth, or I’ll start swinging from branches.”

To prove her point, she bent her knee and ran her foot along the branch.

“I should let you fall on your damn stubborn head.” He tugged on a lower branch, testing his weight. The thing snapped in two.

Maggie laughed and guided her other foot into place so she could stand. “Why did you lie?”

“I didn’t lie.” He reached for a higher branch and growled as it ripped from the tree. “You agreed to be my mate.”

“Were we in love?”


Not likely. “I may not know a lot of wolves, but something tells me we don’t contract to mate. If we were truly together, which I’m not sure about, then any mating would’ve occurred quickly.”

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