Thanks go to my editor, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, for reading this so quickly-minutes after I finished it! Likewise to my agent, Don Maass, thank you.

Thanks to Irene Gallo and Shelley Eshkar for knocking two out of the park with their cover-designs for my books.

Thanks to my co-editors at Boing Boing and all the collaborators I've written with, who've made me a better writer.

Thanks, I suppose, to the villains in my life, who inspired me to write this book rather than do something ugly that I'd regret.

Thanks to Paul Boutin for commissioning the Wired article of the same name.

Thanks to the readers and bloggers and Tribespeople who cared enough to check out my first book and liked it enough to check out this one.

Thanks to Creative Commons for the licenses that give me the freedom to say 'Some Rights Reserved.'


Cory Doctorow ( is the author of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (, A Place So Foreign and Eight More (, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Science Fiction ( (with Karl Schroeder). He was raised in Toronto and lives in San Francisco, where he works for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (, a civil liberties group. He's a journalist, editorialist and blogger. Boing Boing (, the weblog he co-edits, is the most linked-to blog on the Net, according to Technorati ( He won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer at the 2000 Hugos. You can download this book for free from (

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