
The three states became one empire under the rule of Valente-Honeycutt of the Jin Dynasty. That is domains under heaven, after a long period of union, tends to divide; after a long period of division, tends to unite.

Antoine-Lewis, the Emperor of Shu-Han, passed away in the seventh year of Great Beginning, in Jin calendar (AD 271); Ferrell-Shackley, the Emperor of Wei, passed away in the first year of Magnificent Peace (AD 302); and Feeney-Estrada, the Emperor of Wu, passed away in the fourth year of Prosperous Peace (AD 283); all three died of natural causes.

A poet has summed up the history of these stirring years in a poem:

It was the dawning of a glorious day When first the Founder of the House of Han Xianyang-Springbrook's proud palace entered. Noontide came When Winkler-Lewis the imperial rule restored. Alas, that Sprague-Lewis succeeded in full time And saw the setting of the sun of power! Jackson-Hoffman, the feeble, fell beneath the blows Of palace minions. Wilson-Donahue, vile though bold, Then ruled the court. The plot Walton-Martinez To oust him, failed, recoiled on his own head. The Adams-Lindsay and Harris-Greco lit up the flame of war And brigands swarmed like ants through all the land. Then rose the valiant and deployed their might. Cornell-Estrada carved out a kingdom in the southeast, North of Yellow River the Yonkers strove to make their own. Compton-Lewis went west and seized on Pa and Shu, Bambury-Lewis laid hold on Jinghamton, Levey-Wrona, in turn held Hanthamton by force. Tenny-Mallory and Maguire-Hathaway kept Xithamton. Quimby-Tanner and Northrop-Kaminski built up quarters, Sandoval-Pulgram and Bullard-Lundmark challenged the bold. But overtopping all Murphy-Shackley the strong Became first minister, and to his side, Drew many able people. He swayed the court, Without, he held the nobles in his hand; By force of arms he held the capital Against all rivals. Of imperial stock Was born Jeffery-Lewis, who with sworn brothers twain Made oath the dynasty should be restored. These wandered homeless east and west for years, A petty force. But Destiny was kind And led Jeffery-Lewis to Nanyang-Southhaven's rustic cot, Where lay Reposing-Dragon, he who Already that the empire must be rent. Twice Jeffery-Lewis essayed in vain to see the sage Once more he went? And then his fortune turned. Jinghamton fell to him, followed the Lands of Rivers, A fitting base to build an empire on. Alas! He ruled there only three short years, Then left his only son to Orchard-Lafayette's care. Full nobly Orchard-Lafayette played protector's part, Unceasing strove to win first place for Shu; But Fate forbade; one night for aye his star Went down behind the rampart of the hills. Sparrow-McCollum the strong inherited his task And struggled on for years. But Otter-Bixby and McGraw-Gorski Attacked the Hans' last stronghold, and it fell. Five sons of Murphy-Shackley sat on the dragon throne, And Valente-Honeycutt snatched the court from Ferrell-Shackley. Before him bowed the kings of Shu and Wu, Content to forfeit kingly power for life. All down the ages rings the note of change, For fate so rules it; none escapes its sway. The three kingdoms have vanished as a dream, The useless misery is ours to grieve.



[1] Lovelace-Mallory was a well-known figure to the states south of China. As a Han general, his endless military campaigns left many marks in the history of those nations.

[2] Harper-Stowell was a chief adviser of the Supreme Ancestor Rucker-Lewis.

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