couples have jobs that require them to live separately part of the time. We’ll


“Say that’s so. What about what I do, not where I do it?” Leslie leaned close

and kissed the corner of Dev’s mouth. “How are you going to feel about

consorting with the enemy?”

“I’ve decided that you’re a necessary evil. Figuratively speaking, of course.”

Leslie straightened. “I beg your pardon?”

“Big corporations and even the government hire computer crackers to test their

security systems, to look for ? aws so they can build a tighter and more fail-safe


“And this relates to me how?”

“Well, you’re like a cracker trying to break the system. If the laws are ? awed

or aren’t properly designed to do what we need them to do, you’re going to win

cases. And that just tells us which laws to make better.”

“There is a twisted sort of logic to that argument,” Leslie said, struggling to hide

a smile. “I think I ought to be insulted on some level, but I’m not sure I want to

point out your errors in thinking.” She kissed Dev again. “Not if you can live

with things the way they are.”

“What I can’t live with,” Dev said, framing Leslie’s face, “is being without you.

I’ve tried that for half my life. I don’t want to anymore.”

“It’s a plan, for now. But,” Leslie murmured, nuzzling Dev’s neck as she

caressed her, “if I can’t stand being away from you so much, I reserve the right

to change my mind.”

Dev pulled Leslie down and slid on top of her. “I forgot to mention a few


“What?” Leslie asked, distracted by the sudden pressure of Dev’s leg between

her thighs.

“You work more reasonable hours and take better care of yourself.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Leslie arched her back and settled more ? rmly into Dev’s

crotch, smiling when Dev gasped.

“I’m serious,” Dev muttered, skimming her mouth up the column of Leslie’s


“That’s good, because I am too.” Leslie buried her ? ngers in Dev’s hair, her

body coming alive beneath Dev’s in the way only Dev could excite her. “You’re

all the reason I need.”

“I’ve dreamed of being with you all my life.” Dev kissed her softly. “Now I want

the real thing.”

“Are you into long engagements?” Leslie whispered against Dev’s ear.

“Isn’t ? fteen years long enough?”

Leslie laughed. “More than enough.”

“Good thing.”

And then she kissed her.

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