ranged through the house, spilling outdoors and clustered in corners. Passing through the gold-toned parlor, she caught the mingling, heady scents of expensive perfumes and spiced food. There was the glitter of diamonds, swirl of silks and flash of tanned, pampered skin.

Brooke caught snatches of conversations as she strolled through, searching for the main buffet.

'But darling, he simply can't carry a series anymore. Did you see him at Ma Maison last week?'

'She'll sign. After that fiasco in England, she's itching to come back to Hollywood.'

'Can't remember a line if you feed it to him intravenously.'

'Left her for the wardrobe mistress.'

'My dear, have you ever seen such a dress!' Hollywood, Brooke thought with halfhearted affection as she pounced on the remains of the pate.

'I knew I'd find you here.'

Brooke turned her head as she speared a chunk of smoked beef. 'Hello, Claire,' she managed over a mouthful of cracker.

'Nice party.'

'I suppose, as you always judge them by the menu.' Claire gave her a long, appraising look.

Brooke wore a buckskin jumpsuit, soft and smooth as cream, with a thick pewter belt cinched at her waist. She'd braided the hair at her temples and clipped it back over die flowing tousled mane, letting heavy pewter links dangle at her ears. Because she'd been distracted while applying it, she'd neglected her makeup and had only remembered to darken her eyes. As a result, they dominated her pale, sharp-featured face. 'Why is it you can wear the most outlandish outfits and still look marvelous?'' Brooke grinned and swallowed. 'I like yours, too,' she said, noting that Claire was, as always, stylishly neat in pale-blue voile. 'What have they got to drink in this place?'

With a sigh, Claire motioned to a roving, red-suited waiter and chose two tulip glasses of champagne.

'Try to behave yourself. The de Marcos are very old fashioned.'

'I'll be a credit to the company,' Brooke promised and lifted her hand in acknowledgment of a wave from a stand-up comic she'd directed in a car commercial. 'Do you think I could get a plate?'

'Gorge later. Mr. Jones's agent is here, I want you to meet him.'

'I hate talking to agents on an empty stomach. Oh, damn, there's Vera. I should have known she'd be here.'

Brooke answered the icy smile from the slim honey-haired model who was the current embodiment of the American look. Their paths had crossed more than once, professionally and socially, and the women had taken an instant, lasting dislike to each other.

'Keep your claws sheathed,' Claire warned. 'De Marco's going to be using her.'

'Not with me,' Brooke said instantly. 'I'll take the ball player, Claire, but someone else is going to hold the leash on that one. I don't like my poison in small doses.'

'We'll discuss it,' Claire muttered then beamed a smile. 'Lee, we were just looking for you. Lee Dutton, Brooke Gordon. She's going to be directing Parks.' She placed a maternal hand on Brooke's arm. 'My very best.'

Brooke lifted an ironic brow. Claire was always lavish with praise in public and miserly with it behind closed doors. 'Hello, Mr. Dutton.'

Her hand was grabbed hard and pumped briskly. Discreetly, Brooke flexed her fingers while she made a swift survey. He was shorter than she was and rather round with thinning hair and startling black eyes. A creature of first impressions, she liked him on the spot.

'Here's to a long, successful relationship,' he announced and banged his glass exuberantly against hers. 'Parks is eager to begin.'

'Is he?' Brooke smiled, remembering Parks's description of his venture into commercials. 'We're just as eager to have him.'

Claire sent her a brief warning look as she tucked her arm through Lee's. 'And where is he? Brooke and I are both anxious to meet him.'

'He has a hard time getting away from the ladies.' Lee gave the proud, apologetic smile of a doting uncle.

But the eyes on Brooke were shrewd.

'How awkward for him,' she murmured into her glass. 'But I suppose he manages to live with it.' 'Brooke, you really must try the pate.' Claire sent her a teeth-clenched smile.

'I did,' Brooke returned easily. 'Tell me more about Parks, Mr. Dutton. I can't tell you what a fan I am.'

' 'Oh, you follow baseball?'' Brooke tilted her glass again. 'Why, we were in the park only a few. weeks ago, weren't we, Claire?'

'As a matter of fact.' Claire didn't bother to try to outstare Brooke this time but turned to Lee. 'Do you get to many games?'

'Not enough,' he admitted, knowing a game was afoot and willing to play. 'But I happen to have a few tickets for Sunday's game,' he said, making a mental note to arrange for some. 'I'd love to escort both you ladies.'

Before Brooke could open her mouth, Claire doled out subtle punishment. 'There's nothing we'd like better.'

He caught Brooke's quick scowl before she smoothed her features. 'Well, there's Parks now.' Lee bellowed for him, causing heads to turn before conversation buzzed again.

Parks's first reaction was surprise when he saw Brooke standing beside his agent and the woman he knew was head of Thorton Productions. Then he experienced the same flare of reluctant desire he had felt on the other two occasions he'd seen her. He'd purposely let the days pass before he contacted her again, hoping the power of need would lessen. One glance at her told him it hadn't worked.

Apparently without hurry, he weaved through the crowd, stopping to exchange a few words when someone touched his arm, then gently disentangling himself.

He'd learned, at an early age, how to keep from being cornered at a social occasion. In less than two minutes, Parks stood in front of Brooke.

Well done, Brooke thought. She answered Parks's smile cautiously, wondering what his reaction would be when they were introduced. She felt a jab of uneasiness then pushed it aside. After all, he'd been the one to wake her up at dawn and ask for a date.

'Parks, I want you to meet Claire Thorton, the lady who'll be producing your commercials.' Lee laid his hand over Claire's in an unconsciously possessive gesture noticed only by Parks and Brooke. Parks was amused, Brooke annoyed.

'A pleasure, Ms. Thorton.' He wanted to say he had expected a dragon from what he'd read of her professionally, not this soft-faced attractive woman with faded blue eyes. Instead, Parks smiled and accepted her hand.

'We're looking forward to working with you. I was just telling Mr. Dutton how much Brooke and I enjoyed your game against the Valiants a few weeks ago.' Remembering his muttered demand for Brooke's name at the rail, Claire waited for the reaction. 'Oh?' So this was her friend, he thought, turning to Brooke. With her face, he concluded she must be a regular for Thorton's commercials. 'Hello again.'

'Hello.' Brooke found her hand claimed and held. Taking a hasty sip of champagne, she waited for the bomb to drop.

'Claire tells me Ms. Gordon is her best,' Lee told Parks. 'Since you'll be working together closely, you'll want to get to know each other.'

'Will we?' Parks ran his thumb along Brooke's palm. 'Only my best director for a project this important,' Claire put in, watching them closely.

Brooke felt his thumb stop its casual caress, then his fingers tightened. There was no change in his face. To prevent a quick gasp of pain, she swallowed the rest of her champagne. 'So you direct commercials,' he said smoothly.

'Yes.' She tugged once to free her hand, but he only increased his grip.

'Fascinating.' Casually, he plucked the empty glass from her other hand. 'Excuse us.' Brooke found herself being dragged through the crowd of jewels and silks. Immediately, she quickened her pace so that it appeared she was walking with him rather than being led.

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