Hallowell. Alastor tried his best to woo Sheyla, and while she wasn’t susceptible to his brand of charm, she did admire his determination to do the right thing for his people. Slowly, they drew together, because he understood her, and she—without realizing it—quietly partook of Golgoth courtship rites.

Eventually, they decided to embark upon a wartime romance because their passion could no longer be denied. They’d only stay together until Hallowell was safe. Afterward, they’d go their separate ways, because Sheyla belonged in Ash Valley, and Alastor had heavy responsibilities to his people. Since she couldn’t have a relationship, even a brief one, with a patient in her care, Sheyla turned treatment over to a colleague and focused on researching Alastor’s medicine.

Neither one cared to admit how deeply they’d fallen for one another, and the risky romance only intensified, set against the backdrop of impending doom. When Tycho’s forces invaded, it seemed like all might be lost, but Alastor eventually won against incredible odds, mounting a successful defense of a critical foothold in the war effort, though not without painful loss and sacrifice. He also secured the allegiance of Tycho’s surviving forces, which was when Sheyla left him, as per their original agreement.

Realizing he couldn’t live without her, Alastor chased her down and officially proposed in front of her family, offering to make her his queen once he liberated Golgerra. Though her relatives were skeptical at first, eventually they agreed, and the demon prince was set to live happily ever after with his physician-queen. This decision meant rejecting other marital offers, however, which would have a fascinating impact on the war effort elsewhere…


Princess Thalia Talfayen loathed scoundrels, but she might marry one. She stared at the dossier before her and then glanced up at her aide. “Is there truly no hope for an alliance elsewhere?”

Lileth had been with her since birth, sharing her incarceration when Thalia proved resistant to her father’s agenda, and now, sharing her rise to power in the rebellion as well. She was a slight woman with fair hair and green eyes, average appearance matched with superior intellect and near infinite patience. Therefore, she didn’t even sigh over the repetition of the question.

“Prince Alastor has declined your offer and chosen a low-ranking female from the Ash Valley pride. She’s also a doctor so this may be a more politic maneuver than it first seems, as our agents inform me that he has an incurable illness.”

The important part of that report was the firm rejection. She didn’t want to marry into a dynasty of demon-kin, but she was prepared to do whatever she must to consolidate her hold on Eldritch leadership. There hadn’t been a true king or queen in eons, only petty backbiting between the four houses. Her family had the strongest claim to the succession, however, and she meant to bring back the days when each house pledged to a single ruler or die trying.

Accomplishing that goal wouldn’t be easy without the Golgoth playing the enforcer’s role, and in the centuries her people had remained so insular, they’d also lost the technological edge to the Animari. Thalia had no access to heavy weapons such as the rest of the Numina could mount, which meant that if it came to a siege, her people would be slaughtered. I can’t let that happen.

“Understood. Then what about Burnt Amber?” On the surface, the bears were no different than the wolf pack, but the bear clan heir seemed far more serious, a better match for her in terms of temperament.

“Shall I read the official response?” By the twitch of Lileth’s mouth, she found the verbiage amusing.

“Please,” Thalia invited.

“‘Tell the woman that I’m a sodding monk. Then ask if she knows what that means. My cousin is my heir, and he’s married with five cubs. My line is secure, and I don’t have time for this shit.’”

She didn’t laugh, though it was a near thing. “Has he never heard of a marriage of convenience? I don’t remember demanding bedsport in my offer.”

“St. Casimir is a…bachelor order. They forswear all worldly pleasures, all bonds save those of brotherhood.”

“I see. That does, indeed, leave only Raff Pineda.”

“Or his second,” Lileth said.

Thalia considered for a few seconds. From what she knew of Korin, the woman would likely be a better fit in terms of personality. Then, regretfully, she weighed the rest of the factors and shook her head. “If I’m undertaking this endeavor, I will acquire all possible leverage from the alliance.”

“Yes, yes, you’re far too important to waste yourself on a mere lieutenant.”

There was no doubt that Lileth was mocking her, but Thalia ignored the provocation. A lifetime of such gibes had rendered her composure nearly inviolable through mere words. She hadn’t even wept when Noxblades carried word that her father was dead, a mercy killing on the cat king’s sword, and her eyes remained dry when she heard that it was her father’s agents who had set timed charges in Ash Valley to destroy eons of peace in a fiery cataclysm.

That is my legacy.

Unless she could unite the Eldritch, she would be remembered as a traitor’s daughter, and already, the other three houses were moving against her. To secure her hold and take the throne as none had managed to do in centuries, she would need outside help. Unlike other aspirants, she was willing to do whatever was required.

Even barter herself in marriage to a complete reprobate.

Thalia squared her shoulders. “Send a message to the wolf lord. Use the formal stationery and invite him to our holdings.”

“I assume you’d like calligraphy as well,” Lileth said.

“Of course. If the realm wasn’t so dangerous, I’d dispatch a messenger in livery for full impact, but we can’t risk our personnel recklessly. Write the message and then take a picture and send it. He’ll grasp the gravitas.”

“Are you sure?”

Even if Pineda understood the long tradition behind this choice of approach, he’d probably be amused rather than moved to reply in kind. “Perhaps not.”

Skimming the data

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