stand, unbutton my pants, and get free of my underdrawers. He glances at what I’ve got, then takes off the rest of his clothes. When he’s full naked, I find myself still not in a rush, which I like, waiting being as new as him. I kneel beside him, run a hand from his middle up to his chest, rub soft skin and hard tit nubs, feel his grit and muscle. And I bend down and lick his chest, then run my tongue toward his privates and into his hairy patch. He spreads his legs, raises his knees, and I get around between them to his balls, suck one into my mouth. He moans as I tongue the thing, then let it go, lick him between the two, knowing all the while his bottom hole is right there for the taking.

He makes no move toward encouragement and I get that he likes a man to lead. I sit back to strip away my shirt, then stand to take off the rest. How good naked feels. Evan studies me up and down before I stretch out atop him, hard dicks between us, wetting our belies. I look into his eyes as I began to grind against him.

His eyes are bright, like he just woke, and he runs his tongue along his lips, which sends a bolt through me and I press harder onto him. Then I do it, get my mouth to his because I can’t not. I’ve never kissed any man, but that doesn’t matter now and I know this like I know how to ride and shoot. I’m starting fresh, and as my lips remain fixed to his, I feel his tongue come looking for mine. I allow this, tongues playing together, but then he starts to wriggle under me and he sucks my tongue as he spurts.

We kiss all through the come, and when he’s done, he lets go of my tongue, but I don’t let go of him. Hungry for his feel, I stay on him, tongue after his now, and I corral the thing, suck on it, which near does me in. I have to fuck, so I roll him over, get in at his bottom, wet him with his own spunk, put my prick into him, and ride like hell. Off in the night I hear a coyote howl and I think I could almost do the same.

It don’t take but a minute for my juice to rise, and as I let go into the kid, I also let out a roar because I feel more beast than man, not caring if I ever walk upright again. But then I’m done and I slap Evan on the butt as I pull out. Soon as I’m free of him, I want back in, but that’ll have to be later.

When he rolls onto his back, grinning like no tomorrow, I am taken all over again by his look. I get my bedroll and put it next to his, then lie on my side with a hand on him, rubbing him all over while he does the same with me. I’ve no idea how long we’re like this, but in time, he’s sucking at my tit and pulling my dick, his own up again. We sleep little, pass the night slopping around in a wallow of our creation, poking and prodding, licking and rubbing, and finally fucking again. We don’t talk much, but I don’t care on that. Something is between us now, no matter what.

At dawn, we feed on each other, him lying in reverse so he can get to me as I get to him. Breakfast is spunk. When we finally stop, smelling of sex and sweat, Evan crawls up and lands a kiss on me and I don’t put him off.

* * * *

Riding on to Kettner, I think on the look-see we need—how the bank is set up, how many doors, clerks, and such. Best time to rob a bank is noon, as it’s less populated then, most off to take a midday meal. Our last job went that way, bank down in Tilson Corners, one lone clerk and easy pickings, but that money’s run out and what Evan paid in won’t last.

We go easy, making good time, and I’m aware of Evan and me paired now, consider he thinks the same. This makes me feel good and I stretch in the saddle, look at the bolt blue sky, which comes down to scrape the flat like a knife. Morning air is cool, horses frisky, like they know something’s ahead. I glance at Evan again, then remind myself to think on the bank.

We arrive in Kettner around noon, leave the horses at the livery, and walk through town like any two men off the range. Well-populated and a bigger place than I expected, there’s two banks, one at each end of town. Evan says Bart studied which is best, and we linger across from that one to watch people go in and out.

I like the feel I get when looking toward a holdup. No outlaw will deny the adventure of such an undertaking. Gets your blood up so much, you ride away feeling like you’re about to come. Then, when you’ve outrun or outfoxed any posse and get to where you can stop, the feel in the gang is high, which leads to much drinking and serious carousing. This we do in a distant town where we’re not known, ridding ourselves of much of the loot all too quick. Wade and me go at each other something fierce soon as we’re in private, both so worked up we come not once but twice. Always great satisfaction after a job.

Now, Evan catches sight of a lawman. “Marshal Paul Rhodes. Known to be a fair man, has but one deputy.”

The fellow looks as much an undertaker as marshal, black hat and coat, tall, and lean to the point it appears he’ll soon be in need of

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