understanding of this part of the world? The Arabs understand friendship better than any nation. Don’t forget that. I must go to work, Annie.”

“Don’t be late,” she said anxiously, as if she feared being left alone with her younger brother.

After he left, silence settled on them, like sepia over a print. Although it had been ages since they had had any proper time alone together, Annie had little to say, it seemed, and Gabriel even less. “So, you like it here?”

“You know I do.” With one finger, she pushed a corner of flatbread, smeared with honey, across her plate. “Even more than I expected, in fact. I’ve made great friends.” She put down her glass. “It’s a pretty good life, all in all.”

Annie was the only remaining person whom Gabriel could look straight in the eye, but it pained him to do so now, because there was only sadness there, and he could see a weight around her, as if the dense atmosphere that had been strangling him was also hugging her, curbing her movements. And that was him. He was the very density that restricted her.

She cleared her throat. “So, what do you want to do while you’re here?” she asked, as if he were some kind of tourist.

“What is there to do?”

“Well, there’s loads to see—mountains, desert, sea. People go fishing and snorkeling, but Rolf paints when he’s off work, which might be a bit dull for you.”

She made it sound like a personal reproach, which was another low blow. It had been Gabriel, after all, who had picked Rolf out of the crowd in a pub and had engaged him in conversation at the bar. Introductions were made, drinks were bought, and Annie was unobtrusively proffered. “Come and join us,” Gabriel had said to the visitor. “I’m with my sister.” With a formal nod and almost a click of his heels, Rolf declared himself to be enchanted when they were introduced at the small round table in the corner, though Annie was less impressed. He’d looked like an old bloke to her, but Gabriel had persevered, inviting him back to their home for supper, after which Rolf took over, wooing Annie in a quiet, discreet sort of way. Gabriel knew, instinctively, that he was the perfect life partner for his adored second self, and when the time had come for Rolf to leave Ireland, Annie found it inexplicably difficult to let him go. She had become accustomed to his presence, to the quiet fuss he made of her, to his curious English and his solid, attractive frame, so Gabriel told her to follow, even though that meant going to Oman, where Rolf had been working for some years. To her own surprise, she was easily persuaded. Her job in the bank was dull, the news always bad, with one or another atrocity reported daily from Northern Ireland, and the Republic was gray, grim, and sinking deeper into recession. The Arabian Gulf and the twinkling white town of Muscat, which Rolf had described, were, in contrast, attractive propositions.

They had married after a short courtship—it was the only way for her to reside in Oman, and now, two years later, she was hoping to become pregnant.

“You should get some rest,” she said suddenly. “You look exhausted. Aren’t you sleeping?”

A sliver of concern shows through at last, Gabriel thought. “Are any of us sleeping?”

“We’ve been invited out this evening. Dinner with friends,” she said. “I accepted on your behalf.”

Annie was slight, always had been. Pale of complexion, with short brown hair and livid blue eyes (unlike either of her brown-eyed brothers), she looked younger than she was—gamine; more like twenty-two than twenty-eight. Her long spindly fingers, like spiders’ legs, were never still—as now—rolling bits of torn-off bread between her fingertips. She kept her eyes on her hands when she went on, “There isn’t much in the way of nightlife. The Intercontinental, mostly. So we socialize a lot in one another’s houses. . . . Anyway, our friends are keen to meet you.”

“I’ll bet.”

She looked up. “You don’t think I’ve told them? Good God, why would I do that?”

“You haven’t said anything?”

“No. I didn’t feel I had much choice. Anyway, it’s bad enough that my friends at home are gossiping about us over their coffee-breaks.” She rubbed her hands together in an abstracted way. “Still, the story’s losing its legs now.”

“Who told you that?”

“Aunt Gertie. She’s been great. Writing every week. She’s the only person who seems to realize what it’s like for me over here, out of the loop.”

“You’re far better off.”

“Oh, am I? Away from Mam, at a time like this? Have you any idea how hard it was to come back last month? Only I had no choice, had I? Because you needed somewhere to run away to!”

This was not it, not it at all. Gabriel had believed he was coming to Muscat to be comforted by someone who loved him unconditionally, and therefore forgave him. Instead, she was hissing and spitting and twisted with hurt. There would be no reprieve here.

“It’s so hard at times like this,” she said, her voice breaking, “being away.”

“I suppose.” It seemed fair that she too should be allowed to believe that this was worse for her than for anyone else in the family. There had been a lot of that going on.

“But as far as our friends here are concerned,” she continued, “you’re on holiday, so perk up. Make an effort, please.”

Dinner with friends, Gabriel thought, going upstairs to rest. The prospect made him sweat, but at least they wouldn’t have to sit across a dining table, just the three of them, trying to duck the elephant.

It was difficult for Annie. She loved Gabriel; adored him. Sometimes she wondered about that, about whom she loved most and to whom she owed the greatest loyalty. Gabriel was a part of her, an extension. He had come the same way with her; they had come the same way together until he’d delivered

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