in a really long time.”

Then Lily claps her hand over her mouth. “Jasmine, don’t you remember? We made wishes at the well when we were little, and you wished you were a grown-up!”

Then Jasmine’s eyes bug out, and I know that she remembers, all right.

“Cool wish! Do you want to see yourself?” Posey asks. He pulls a mirror from out of nowhere and hands it to Jasmine.

Uh-oh, this is not going to be good, I think. Then I cover my ears and wait for it.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I’m OLD!” Jasmine yells at the top of her lungs. “I look like my mom!” Then she turns and glares at Posey. “Please! Help me unwish it!”

Posey licks his lollipop like it’s no big whoop.

Lily points at Posey and shakes her finger. “Posey, you have to fix this! RIGHT NOW!”

“But I did fix it!” he says, pointing to the wishing well. “And, by the way, you’re welcome!”

Posey takes a little bow, but poor Jasmine drops to her knees and clasps her hands together.

“Please!” she begs. “I’m not a grown-up, Posey. I’m supposed to be a kid!”

But Posey’s not paying attention to any of us. He has his mind on the well, which is now making a funny noise, like a printer.


A stream of paper spits out of the side of the wishing well. It looks like a super-long grocery store receipt, and it shows no sign of stopping. Posey collects the paper as it comes out.

“What is that?” I ask.

Again, no answer. Posey is concentrating on the spewing paper. Finally it stops, and he rips the end of the paper from the well.

“This is the wish list!” he tells us. “It shows every wish made at this well and the name of the person who wished it.”

We watch Posey scroll down the long list.

“Ta-da!” he says triumphantly. “Here’s Jasmine’s wish to be a grown-up!” He bows his head toward Jasmine, who is still on her knees. “Congratulations! Your wish came true!”

And now I, Daisy Dreamer, have had enough. I march right over to Posey and speak to him in my best I-mean-business voice. “Posey, Jasmine doesn’t want to be a grown-up anymore. Obviously! So please hurry up and use your magic or whatever to help her become a normal kid again.”

Posey stands there, scratching his head. “Oh dear. Now, that’s going to be a problem because I don’t know how to undo a wish.”

I slap my hand against my forehead. “Oh no, Posey! This is bad! This is really bad!”

Then, right in the middle of losing it, I think of something worse than really bad . . . and I feel a wave of panic rush over my body.

“Posey, how many wishes on that list did you make come true?” I ask.

Posey glances at the list and then back at me. He drops his lollipop in the dirt when he realizes what he’s really done by fixing the well.

“All the wishes in the well!” he says, his eyes growing wider. He gulps. “And that’s a lot of wishes. This well has been broken for a long, long time.”

I grab the list from his hand and look over the names. Then I find it—my mom’s name! And of course she made the wish when she was a little girl.

“UH-OH!” I shout, flinging the wish list back at Posey. “We have to go to my house! And I mean, like, NOW!”

Mom’s Not-So-Little Pony

My friends and I bolt to my house, which suddenly feels a bazillion miles away. Posey flies. I whiz on my skateboard. Lily runs like the wind, and grown-up Jasmine scooters awkwardly. Her scooter is way too small for her now.

“I thought being a grown-up would make things easier,” Jasmine complains. “But this isn’t easy at all!”

I push harder to make my skateboard go faster. When we finally get home, Jasmine and Posey go in the front door and sneak straight up to my room. Lily and I race in through the back door.

“MOM!” I shout as soon as we’re inside. “Is everything okay?”

My mom is stirring spaghetti sauce in the kitchen. She looks as normal as normal can be, except for that she has one eyebrow raised. “I’m fine, thank you,” she says. “Are you okay, Daisy?”

Now it’s my turn to act as normal as normal can be. “I’m fine, thank you too!” I say. And that’s when we hear a loud noise upstairs.


We all look at the ceiling.

“That’s odd,” Mom says. “I thought your father was at the grocery store.”

I give Lily a look and say, “That’s just Jasmine. She had to get something in my room.”

Then I creep toward the hallway as more loud noises come from upstairs.


This time the walls actually shake. I laugh nervously. “I guess it’s a big something! Better go help her!”

Lily and I race out of the kitchen and bound up the stairs. When I fling open my bedroom door, it’s just as I feared. There is a pony standing on what used to be my bed.

“Daisy, when did you get a pony?” asks grown-up Jasmine.

I sweep up my pigtails to cover my eyes, and then I let my hair drop back down. Nope, it didn’t work. That pony is still there!

“I didn’t!” I whisper-yell. “It’s my mom’s wish. When she was little, she wanted a pony. So she made a wish in the well. Now it’s come true . . . and her wish is in my room!”

“This is so cool!” Lily says.

I glare at her. “How is this cool?” I point around my room, which is a complete disaster. My desk chair is smashed. My clothes are chewed, slobbered on, and scattered all over the floor. Even right now that pony is chewing on Cuddles, my stuffed moray eel. I throw my hands in the air.

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