from militant bullets or bombs or blades as she’d always feared, but from a tragic accident.

Why would God take a man who’d left behind everything he knew to do desperately needed work in a dangerous land?

It didn’t make sense.

And it felt all wrong.

But as Colin always reminded her when she raised such questions, trying to understand the mind of God was an exercise in futility. You had to trust in his goodness and accept that he saw the bigger picture, even if your own lens was murky.

Bottom line, at some point you had to let questions like this go.

Depressing the autolock on her keychain, she closed the distance to her car in a few long strides, slid behind the wheel, and started the engine.

This was one of those times—at least for the next few hours. She couldn’t allow her gloom and grief to ruin the biggest day of Colin’s life. She and Rick owed their best bud 100 percent of their support and focus.

So she’d fix her hair, do her makeup, slip into the knockout black dress she’d splurged on for this event, and smile for the world.

Even if her heart was aching.

Author’s Note

Welcome back to Hope Harbor—where hearts heal . . . and love blooms.

When I wrote the first book in this series, I wasn’t certain it would be a series. I hoped readers would fall in love with my special little town on the Oregon coast, but until the numbers came in, I had no idea if there were more Hope Harbor stories in my future.

As it turned out, readers embraced this charming town and its wonderful residents. So much so that every book to date has been a bestseller. Translation? There are more Hope Harbor books in the works!

I’d like to thank all the people who have played such an integral role in my writing journey. I couldn’t have hit—and passed—the fifty-book milestone without their support and assistance.

My husband, Tom, who believes in me even on days when I’m certain I’ll never think of another compelling plot, and who does so much to smooth out the bumps in our life so I can concentrate on the stories in my head.

My parents, James and Dorothy Hannon, who have been in my corner from day one—my ever-faithful cheering section. Dad’s still out there rooting, and even though Mom’s gone now, her unwavering support and the joy she always took in my achievements are sweet memories that will sustain me all the days of my life.

My publishing partners at Revell, especially Dwight Baker, Kristin Kornoelje, Jennifer Leep, Michele Misiak, Karen Steele, and Cheryl Van Andel. I am honored to call you colleagues and friends.

And finally, all the readers who choose my books. Your support has allowed me to build a career telling the stories of my heart.

I hope you’ll return with me to Hope Harbor in April 2019, when a woman who runs a lavender farm/tearoom crosses paths with a man who’s in over his head juggling a new life, a grieving little girl, and a rambunctious dog who happens to like digging up lavender plants.

In the meantime, if you like romantic suspense, please watch for book 2 in my Code of Honor series, Hidden Peril, coming in October 2018. I guarantee it will keep you turning the pages late into the night!

Irene Hannon is the bestselling, award-winning author of more than fifty contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels. She is also a three-time winner of the RITA award—the “Oscar” of romance fiction—from Romance Writers of America, and is a member of that organization’s elite Hall of Fame.

Her many other awards include National Readers’ Choice, Daphne du Maurier, Retailers’ Choice, Booksellers’ Best, Carol, and Reviewers’ Choice from RT Book Reviews magazine, which also honored her with a Career Achievement award for her entire body of work. In addition, she is a two-time Christy award finalist.

Irene, who holds a BA in psychology and an MA in journalism, juggled two careers for many years until she gave up her executive corporate communications position with a Fortune 500 company to write full-time. She is happy to say she has no regrets.

A trained vocalist, Irene has sung the leading role in numerous community theater productions and is also a soloist at her church. She and her husband enjoy traveling, long hikes, Saturday mornings at their favorite coffee shop, and spending time with family. They make their home in Missouri.

To learn more about Irene and her books, visit She is also active on Facebook and Twitter.

Books by Irene Hannon


Against All Odds

An Eye for an Eye

In Harm’s Way


Fatal Judgment

Deadly Pursuit

Lethal Legacy






Buried Secrets

Thin Ice

Tangled Webs


Dangerous Illusions

That Certain Summer

One Perfect Spring

Hope Harbor

Sea Rose Lane

Sandpiper Cove

Pelican Point

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