

CJ sank down into the chair and sighed. ‘I am getting more tired than normal and that frustrates me.’

‘You’re so used to being busy?’ He could certainly relate to that.

‘Yes. Come Monday, you’ll be taking over my consulting work. I’ll be doing house calls with you this weekend...and maybe the odd one here and there over the next few weeks if it’s OK with you. I just don’t want to get bored and I know I will.’

‘Was it Donna who insisted you get a locum to cover your maternity leave?’

‘Donna, Tania, the nurses, the patients and the majority of the town. Yes.’ CJ couldn’t help the sad sigh that escaped her. ‘I feel so useless and it makes me think back to when my father’s health began deteriorating. I was the one trying to pick up the slack and take over from him without him realising it, but of course he did and—’ She stopped talking and sighed again. ‘I just feel big and useless and...fat.’

‘You’re not fat. You’re having a baby,’ Ethan calmly pointed out. ‘And you’re not useless. Your body is growing a human being! You studied anatomy, you know how difficult that is—to grow a human being. I can’t do it. You can, so how about, as my first act as locum to this practice, I advise you not to be so hard on yourself and your temporary limitations.’

His warm, smooth words washed over her in such a relaxing fashion that she felt her earlier tension begin to melt away. ‘I suppose you’re right.’

‘I know I’m right.’

She smiled at that. ‘Well, I’ll accept the advice, even though you don’t officially start consulting until Monday.’

‘That’s very big of you, Dr Nicholls.’

‘I thought so.’ The phone on the desk rang and she picked it up. ‘Yes?’

‘Jed’s here,’ Tania said down the line.

‘OK. Send him in,’ CJ replied before hanging up. Then she pointed to the phone. ‘This is an internal line—usually Tania or Donna—and these two lights are your outside lines.’

‘Always good to know. So, who are we seeing first?’ Ethan stood and came closer, leaning over and pressing a button on the computer, pleased when Jed’s file came up. ‘Good. The same computer programme I’m used to.’

‘Great. Sometimes it’s the little things that can trip us up.’ Like the way his spicy scent seemed to wind its way around her senses. It was nice. She liked it. She momentarily closed her eyes and gave herself a mental shake. That was the hormones speaking. Spices smelled more vibrant to her and she liked it. As Ethan moved back to his chair, ready for the consultation, CJ reset her mind where her new colleague was concerned.

Sure, he might be good looking and, yes, he smelled wonderful and had gorgeous eyes...and was tall enough to help her out when she needed it, but he was just a locum...just a man who would be out of her life in six months’ time. She shouldn’t get attached.

When Jed came into her consulting room, CJ smiled brightly and introduced Ethan. The two men shook hands and when Ethan closed the door behind Jed, CJ smiled her thanks then focused on her patient.

After the consult, she quickly typed up her notes about Jed’s treatment on the computer.

‘Do you usually go out to the waiting room and call the patients through?’ Ethan asked.

‘Usually, but at the moment, getting up and down is difficult so Tania rings through when the patients have arrived and I tell her when to send them in.’ The phone on the desk rang, the light for an internal call blinking.

‘I’ll go,’ he stated. ‘What’s the patient’s name?’

‘Chandra.’ And before she could say another word, Ethan had disappeared to the waiting room, returning a moment later with four-year-old Chandra and her mother. His actions, although well meant, only made CJ feel like an expectant whale once more. She knew it wasn’t for ever and she knew that part of the way she was feeling was due to her overactive hormones but...she still didn’t like it.

Once Chandra and her mother had left, Ethan watched as CJ quickly typed the notes into the computer. Before she could finish, though, a sharp pain gripped her abdomen and she moaned, feeling very uncomfortable.

‘What is it?’ Ethan was instantly by her side, his gaze roving over her, visually checking for signs of labour.

CJ shoved away from the desk and stood up, walking back and forth as she rubbed the side of her belly. ‘It’s nothing. Just a swift kick from junior to mother. Ugh. I swear this kid is going to be a footballer.’ She rubbed her stomach again and when the baby responded, without thinking she reached for Ethan’s hand and pressed it to her stomach. ‘See? Feel that? As a fellow doctor, you have to agree that that’s one strong kick!’

When he didn’t answer, she looked up. Their gazes locked and the atmosphere around them seemed to zing with newly charged electrons. Even deep inside her she felt them explode and she sucked in a ragged breath. It was unusual, it was unexpected and it was most certainly unwanted.

Ethan was stunned by the sensation. Not only was he alarmed by feeling her baby kick, a sensation he hadn’t felt for quite a number of years, but also he hadn’t expected the jolt that had travelled up his arm and ripped through his body. He was attracted to this woman! How was that possible? There was no way an attraction to anyone was paramount at the present time.

It took a few moments for him to realise she’d released her hold on his wrist. Still, he left his hand on her stomach for a fraction longer before jerking away and walking briskly from the room.


ETHAN OPENED HIS eyes and stared at the ceiling, furious with himself for not being able to sleep. Why had she put his hand on her belly? Feeling an in utero baby kick had been the last thing he’d wanted to do. It

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