guess we’re walking.” He started toward the door and Göll followed. “Thanks for the food.”

The walk to Derek’s job was probably only the better part of a mile, but it was a straight shot by bus. There almost definitely weren’t any pockets on the ridiculous leather costume Göll was wearing and she wasn’t likely to break character at this point just to make his life easier.

The walk wasn’t so bad. A decent burger and a bag full of fries made the time pass more or less without him having to over think the whole thing. He’d get to Derek’s job, he’d get laughed at, he’d tell Derek to guess who was paying for door repair. The burger also made a fantastic prop for all the people who wanted pictures of the two of them. A few asked to take a picture with her, but she always stepped away any time they got within a few feet. This led to Erik apologizing for something that had nothing to do with him, but it was fair enough. As much as she was obnoxious in her dedication to her gig, she wasn’t a prop.

It was nearing four when they came up outside of a standard beige shipping warehouse. The lot guard had seen Erik come past the booth often enough that all he got was a nod and a bit of an awkward look at Göll. He laughed and shrugged, going back to his cameras.

Erik walked in through one of the open bay doors to the warehouse. He could hear laughing in the distance. Word would probably get to Derek before he could find him, but he found the warehouse boss anyway. Tom was a stern old guy who had a pretty limited pool of patience for the sort of shit their group of friends tended to bring to the warehouse.

The already present frown on Tom’s mustached face deepened when he saw Erik walking up with Göll in tow.

“What sort of game are you two playing now? I told you about a million times this is a place of business.”

Erik raised his hands. “You can’t put this on me. Derek hired her and she won’t stop following me.”

Tom shook his head, his mouth turning in disappointment. “Buncha goddamn children around here.”

“Hey, I’m with you, Tom. We’re on the same side here. So if you could just tell me where—”

“He’s with a pull team over on C8, prepping an order. A big one, understand? I expect your ass out of my warehouse before I feel a need to make sure you’re gone.”

“Wouldn’t dream of making you walk anywhere, Tom.” Erik turned and started walking away quickly, immediately regretting his sarcasm.

“Alright, smartass!” Tom called after. Erik could hear Tom’s face reddening. “Tell your little boyfriend that this rendezvous counts as his break!”

Tom mumbled something under his breath, but Erik was out of earshot by then. He kept his brisk pace, though, just in case Tom decided to stay upset.

The aisle Derek was on was a short walk. Erik could hear the crew moving things. He came around the corner and found six workers largely standing around as the one with a forklift did all the work. Derek’s back was to him, so one of his co-workers was the first to laugh and point. Derek followed their pointing fingers around and his lips immediately curled as he tried to hold back a laugh.

“Holy hell, that’s amazing.” Derek came walking over, shaking his head and his face covered with amused disbelief.

“Yeah, it’s hilarious.” Erik shoved him as he came close. “Tell her to go home.”

Derek stumbled back a few steps holding up his hands, laughing. “Why would I tell her to do that? Oh, man. This is fantastic. Where’d you find her?”

“No, no. That game’s not going to work. I already talked to Chris.”

Derek’s laugh faded in his confusion at the statement. “Talked to Chris? Oh, did he do this? This is classic though. I get it. You’re like a viking guy. From Norway or whatever. I thought valkyries had wings and shit though. Big metal helmets. I mean the leather’s cool, but—”

“Look, I know Chris was in on it. The game’s up. How long’s she going to follow me around?”

“Don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never seen this chick in my life. Maybe she’s a long-lost cousin.” He laughed.

“Just tell her to go home.”

Derek shrugged. “Sure. Not sure what that’ll do, but fine.” He looked at Göll. “Go home, uh…” He shifted his eyes to Erik. “What’s her name?”


“No way I’m pronouncing that properly on the first try.” Derek shook his head and looked back at Göll. “Go home, Garrl.”

She stood there, looking blankly at Derek for a moment before looking toward the exits.

Derek seemed slightly confused by the lack of a reaction. “Does she talk or what? Is she deaf?”

“You should know.”

For the first time, Derek’s smile disappeared. “Why should I know? I don’t have any idea who the fuck this chick is. I thought you were fucking with me. So she doesn’t talk?”

“She can. I mean…” He waved a hand in front of Göll and she looked down at him. “Why are you here?”

Her eyes narrowed and her face showed just the slightest hint of annoyance. “I have come to guide you to Valhalla.”

Erik immediately looked back to Derek. His friend was not wearing the expression he’d hoped. It was blank, like Chris’s had been.

“What’d she say? What language was that? Some Scandinavian shit?”

Erik felt a flush of panic. “This isn’t funny anymore, man. She busted up my door, she’s been saying weird shit.”

“You can understand her?”

“Look, I know you and Chris worked this out.”

Tom came walking up, half shouting. “Alright. Break’s over. Back to work.”

Derek forgot about Göll, having heard that this was his break. “The fuck you mean, Tom. That wasn’t my break! And it’s barely been five minutes.”

Erik turned around. “Tom, listen.” He turned to Göll. “Tell them why you are here.”

She did not look away, only at Erik. “I

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