parents as he uses underground fighting clubs to toughen up.

He’ll need every ounce of strength to survive the fight to come…can he endure or will the past take its toll on the son as it did the father?

Supernatural Enforcement Bureau Series

As Director of the Supernatural Enforcement Bureau, powerful Vampire Ronan, thought he had seen it all...until he discovers that Dragons actually exist. Can he help the Dragon being hunted on his patch? He certainly has the means at his disposal...if they can find it first...before the dark magic-wielding Witches and their Vampire cohorts.

After seeing the magnificent beast with his own eyes he can't turn from the task, even if he wanted to. Especially as his Sire, Josef, gives him a direct command to find the Dragon and keep it safe. No matter the cost.

With rogue Vampires and Witches on its trail, it's only a matter of time before they capture it. That's not something Ronan will allow...not on his watch! He will do whatever it takes to find and save the Dragon, using every powerful being at his disposal, including the dark and dangerous Creed.

Sabrina’s Vampire Series

Sabrina's life was a mess, suspended from her police job, she ran to Vegas for a break, to escape the torment and embarrassment. She followed this up by getting blind drunk and down an alleyway with two thugs who wanted more than a goodnight kiss.

Kyle, a Vampire, hears her scream and against his better judgement enters the alley and saves her. As she collapses into his arms he had a deep need to take her home? He never takes anyone to his home. Soon Sabrina is ingrained in him - he can't get enough - can't let her go and just why are his bites not healing on her neck? When he finds out he is shocked - he must keep her - make her stay.

Will she? Will this woman stay in the arms of a Vampire?

Defender’s Blood Series

Alex has no idea her life is about to change beyond her wildest imaginings. She is the last in a long line of very special females born for a dangerous task, and she isn't sure she is up to it. Zach, her vampire protector, is just as sure she is.

Demon attacks, angels and even the ultimate, divine intervention, shake Alex to her very core. Can she do this? Can Zach keep her safe? The alternative is unthinkable: demons once more ruling the earth.

Zach has to ensure that Alex puts a stop to this - and quickly.

Read Defender's Blood, Alex's Destiny – Book 1 in the Defender's series.

Lori’s Wolf Pack

Lori’s lost in the forest, regretting her idea to go for a hike. Hurt and getting more terrified by the minute, especially when she hears the howls of a large animal nearby. In her haste to get away she falls and knocks herself out.

The animal finds her, having heard her screams.

The Wolf changes and the Alpha looks down at the female. As soon as he picks her up, his body reacts and he, at first, has no idea why. All he knows is his Wolf wants out, wants to mark this human as his.

Lori is oblivious to what’s in store over the next few days as the powerful Alpha carries her to his cabin.

Adult content in this novella, no cliffhanger, and a happy ever after.

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