an eyebrow, but her eyes gave away her tease.

Ash’s mouth quirked. “I would never.” She tapped Felicity’s leg. “It’s just that you won’t feel too much discomfort on a more, um, padded area.”

Felicity looked relieved, and Carmen realised that for all her bluster, her friend was a little nervous.

“And finally, what size? Just like this”—Ash pointed at the picture—“or smaller? Bigger?”

“What do you think?”

Ash looked back at the picture for a few seconds. “I think this size is fine. Any smaller and I won’t be able to get some of the detail in. And I don’t think larger would have the same impact.”


“Ready to get started?”

For a moment, Felicity hesitated, then she straightened her shoulders and smiled broadly. “Hell, yes.”

Ash chuckled and stood. “All right. Follow me. Want a drink of something? Tea? Coffee?”

“Just water would be good.”

“I’ll get that.” Carmen stood, glad of an excuse to do something useful.

“That’s great, thanks.”

Ash smiled at her again, and Carmen noticed for the first time what an attractive face she had. It was striking, with a strong jawline and a slightly wide forehead. But her deep brown eyes and full lips softened those edges, and Carmen smiled as she wondered just how many admirers Ash had to beat off in any one day.

Would it be prejudicial of me to assume those admirers were mostly female?

It seemed obvious Ash was a lesbian or queer by some definition. Carmen could just imagine Maggie, her go-to person for knowledge of the queer world, tutting at her about judging based on stereotypes. She grinned as she headed over to the water cooler.

While Carmen poured out two cups of water, Ash directed Felicity into the chair. When Carmen joined them in the tiled part of the room, Felicity was reclined on her right side, her left hip upwards. Her skirt had been pulled down just far enough to expose the area that would be worked on.

“Are you sure I’ve left you enough room?” Felicity asked. “I can easily pull the skirt down further. I’m not shy about these things.”

Carmen snorted. “That’s true.” She placed the water cups down on one of the counters.

“Shut up.”

Ash chuckled. “Well, okay, a little further would be good. I have towels to cover anything else that’s revealed, if you’re uncomfortable.”

“I’m fine.” Felicity tugged the skirt down further over her hips.

“That’s great, thanks.” Ash moved Felicity’s left arm back. “Let’s just tuck that under there for now. If you get cramped or tired, just shout and we’ll take a break, okay?”

“Okay. How long will it take?”

“It shouldn’t take longer than the hour you’ve booked. We’ll do thirty minutes first, unless you want to stop earlier, then have a break.”


Carmen watched in fascination as Ash pulled on latex gloves, then set up her equipment and prepared Felicity’s skin for the tattoo. All the while she explained what she was doing and why. Everything was sterilised, and all of the inks and needles were in single-use packages.

“It’s like going in for an operation.” Carmen pointed at everything lined up on the table.

Ash nodded. “Exactly. I’m basically creating a small wound each time the needle enters her skin. So I need to take the same precautions anyone in the medical community would.”

After completing her preparation, Ash reached for the tattoo machine, which looked like some kind of ray gun from a bad sci-fi TV show. She carried out a dry test with the gun on Felicity’s skin, probably assessing how it would feel, before loading it up with the ink.

“Ready?” Ash asked.

Felicity nodded enthusiastically, and in the next moment the loud buzz of the machine filled the air.

“And remember, no matter how tempting it is, don’t pick at the scabs!” Ash’s face was stern.

Felicity saluted. “Understood!”

Carmen shook her head. “I’m sorry, normally she is a grown-up.”

“Trust me, I’ve had worse.” Ash threw them a sly grin. She showed them to the door. “Ladies, it’s been a pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

Carmen smiled up at her. “Thank you, Ash. This has been a wonderful education. I really admire the way you work.” She meant every word—she couldn’t remember the last time she’d watched someone at their work and been so impressed.

To her surprise, Ash blushed. Up until now, she’d seemed so laid-back and unflappable. “Thanks, that’s…that’s nice of you to say.”

Felicity shook Ash’s hand. “I second what she said. If I ever decide to get another one, I know where I’m coming.”

Ash grinned. “I’d say there’s a very good chance we’ll meet again. They’re addictive, you know.”

“So I’ve heard.”

Carmen stared at Felicity. That was Felicity’s flirting voice; she’d know it anywhere. What the…?

Ash’s grin widened, and she held open the door. “Bye. For now.”

Felicity threw her a stunning smile, then sauntered from the shop.

Carmen stumbled after her. When the door closed behind them, she said, “What the hell was that?”

“What?” Felicity feigned innocence, swinging her handbag strap over her shoulder.

“Don’t give me that butter-wouldn’t-melt look. You were flirting with her!”

“Perhaps I was.” Felicity laughed and looked up at the sky. “Gosh, what a glorious day!”

Clearly, she wasn’t going to get anything more from Felicity on the subject, so Carmen dropped it. But it wasn’t forgotten. Later, over lunch, she’d get to the bottom of this.

Felicity slipped her arm through Carmen’s and tugged her down the street. “Come on. I’m starving. Let’s go somewhere nice to celebrate. And I think we need champagne too!”

Carmen laughed. “All right, Ms ‘I’ve got my first tattoo’. Let’s celebrate.”

Chapter 2

The smell of burnt toast woke Ash on Sunday morning. Then swearing reached her ears from the kitchen area, and she chuckled. Her niece clearly hadn’t yet mastered the art of making breakfast. Although her cursing was coming along nicely.

Ash pushed back the duvet and climbed out of bed. She dressed in casual clothes and made a quick trip to the bathroom. When she walked into the kitchen, Sophie was busy scraping the burnt bits off a slice of toast into the bin.

“Morning,” Ash said.

Sophie spun round,

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