at the memory. “I only ever strolled through the forest,” Caitlin said. “I never looked for trouble.”

“Nae, but it always had a way of finding ye,” he said in good humor, and then exhaled deeply. His expression became more serious. “I wanted tae thank ye. I know it is nae easy tae hae ye destiny decided for ye like this, but it is what’s best for the clan.”

“I know, Father, and I am proud tae dae my duty for ye. I hae always known that I would hae tae marry one day. I have faith that ye hae made a good choice.” She cast her gaze to the ground. “But I am unsure about marrying a Frasier. How can I love a man who haes always been my enemy?” Caitlin asked.

Bryn nodded. “I know it is difficult, but I hope that it will come in time. I want ye tae be open with ye mind and ye heart. Give this a chance because the safety of the clan depends on ye.” His expression became grave. “I know it was unexpected, but in truth, I hae wanted a way tae end the war for a long time. Seeing sae many people die…it is never a good thing tae see your friends and family pass on because of a war. I would hate for ye tae hae tae gae through that as well.”

“My brothers think that a war is the only way forward. They tease me and want me tae run away at the altar so that another battle begins.”

“Aye, they are young and dinnae understand, but ye are different. Ye hae always seen the bigger picture. I had nae hesitation in accepting this agreement as I knew ye would dae ye duty and represent the clan.”

“Of course, Da. I know that it is more important than any of us. We each hae our duty, and this is mine. I will nae let ye down,” Caitlin said, matching her father’s serious tone. Bryn cupped her cheek in his hand and kissed her on the forehead. His pale lips trembled and his eyes glistened with tears. He smiled weakly, and although Caitlin had always thought of her father as a strong, vigorous man, this was perhaps the first time when she thought of him as old. Time turned like a wheel and took everyone along with it. Caitlin wondered if, in time, she would be fussing over her own child as her mother did, but it calmed her to know she wouldn’t have to fear her child being killed in a war with the Frasiers. While it did not sit right in her heart to marry the enemy, she could at least take solace in the knowledge that she was going to do something for the good of the clan.

“I want tae give ye this,” Bryn said. He slipped a ring off his little finger. It was made of dark metal. The jewel was murky, as though clouds swirled within the ring. It was the family jewel and heirloom that had been passed down through generations.

“Da, I cannae take this. It is meant for ye firstborn son.”

“Aye, but sometimes it is necessary tae break with tradition. I believe in this marriage, and I think there should be a symbol so that everyone can see.” He placed the ring in her hand and clasped her palm over it. “Ye embody all the qualities that we revere in this clan: bravery, honor, and duty. I cannae think of anyone I would rather hae wear it.”

“Won’t Mark be upset?”

“I will talk with him and make sure he understands. When it is time ye can hand this over tae ye own child, and it can begin a new history—one that won’t be drenched in blood.”

Caitlin took the ring and looked at it deeply. Emotion swelled within her. She didn’t even attempt to put it on because it was far too big for her. She flung her arms around her father and held him tightly. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she realized that this was the end of an era. There had been so many changes in her life over the past few years. She had shed childhood like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, and now it was time for her to soar away to freedom and embrace the changing fortunes of her life. It was terrifying in a way, but also exciting too. She had a duty to her clan and to her father, and she was determined to see it through. But as ready as she was to begin her adult life, she was still filled with trepidation.

“I know just what tae dae with this,” she said, pulling away from her father to try and compose herself, wiping the tears away from the rims of her eyes and her soft cheeks. She walked to a desk and pulled out some twine, snapping it off with a knife. She threaded the twine through the ring and tied a knot between the two ends. She handed it to her father. “Would ye dae the honor?” she asked.

Bryn took it happily and placed it over her neck as she dipped her head. The ring nestled against the middle of her chest and there was something comforting about having a cherished heirloom so close to her heart. Even though she would leave the family home after the wedding, she would always carry a piece of it with her.

“It’s wonderful Caitlin,” he said. He kissed her again on the cheek, and then stepped back, composing himself. “I will leave ye tae get ready now. It will nae be tae long until ye new husband arrives.” Caitlin thanked him and then breathed deeply to compose herself as well. Yes, it wouldn’t be long, not long at all until she left everything behind and began her new life with a stranger. Her hand rose to her chest and she fondled the family ring. She had to remember that her family was

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