person. “Yes, heaven forbid she would want her husband home to have dinner with her and the kids.” I closed my jewelry box.

“What’s this?”

I looked at him through the reflection of the mirror over my dresser. He was holding the letter from the lawyer. For a moment, I had a feeling of panic, but then I figured there was nothing to hide. Maybe he’d be relieved.

He frowned as he looked toward me. “You want a divorce?”

I turned toward him, noting that he still looked pissed, but not upset or worried as I might have hoped his reaction would be to my consulting with a lawyer. Of course, divorce was out of the question now.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Then what’s this?” He waved the letter at me.

“I thought about it—”

“This looks like you’ve done more than think about it. You’ve retained a lawyer.”

“I’m not going through with it.”

He studied me. “So, you don’t love me anymore.”

“I never said that.” That was the tragedy in all this. I still loved him. But we were too broken to fix. I wasn’t even sure he would want us to be fixed.

He didn’t respond.

“Are you relieved or annoyed that I’m not going to follow through,” I asked, genuinely curious.

“I’m wondering what happened to you.”

I laughed derisively. “Me? It’s not just me. It’s us, Brayden.”

“I work my ass off to make you and kids happy, but you’re impossible to please.”

He did work his ass off, but it wasn’t about me. That’s the excuse he told him himself to justify the long hours. No, he worked for him.

“Well, perhaps you’ll get lucky and you won’t have to put up with me anymore,” I said.

“So, you are leaving me?”

I shrugged and, for a moment, I wondered if he’d be happier if the cancer that was growing in my breast killed me as it had my mother.

Continue reading Terra and Brayden’s story here (FREE in Kindle Unlimited).

More Books in the Series

Enjoy these emotional second chance romances in the Heart of Hope Series. All books are standalone and do not have to be read in order.

Our Last Chance (Heart of Hope Book 1)

An Irish Affair (Heart of Hope Book 2)

So Wrong (Heart of Hope Book 3)

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