to share with me, but it at least made me feel less alone. “Ry’s in chamber seven. Take all the time you need.”

The lock clicked, and the lights changed to a soft yellow. What the hell just happened? I darted to the door, and entered an open sequence on the panel, but my access was denied. I kicked the door, and the two-story-high ceiling returned a lonely echo. The size of the cell had changed, but I was still in solitary.

I trudged over to the back of the room where oval chambers that looked like over-sized silver bullets hummed quietly along the wall. Tears brimmed my eyes at the sight of Ry’s capsule.

I’d spent my days wallowing in self-pity for not being immortal, for not being like her, for not being the strong one. Captain Weston was right to think I was an ungrateful brat. I never appreciated anything she did to make me happy and keep me alive.

“I’m sorry, Ry. You were always there for me, and I can’t even get you a proper burial or simple justice.” I pressed my cheek on the cold steel of the capsule, and the lights inside it turned on.

The shock of seeing her face again jolted me backward. Now that the Urkuum virus had been eradicated from her body, Ry looked so much like me. I ran my hand over the glass with tears blurring my vision. Maybe I hadn’t pulled the trigger, but I was definitely the reason Ry was in this room.

“The old man is dead, but your killer hasn’t paid,” I mumbled.

In my rage, I’d shot our only witness. Because of me, Captain Weston had nothing to go on. I had no doubt he was using that as an excuse. Captain Weston and Lady Sonja were only interested in their politics and aesthetics. Their way of life meant more than anything else.

“I won’t find peace until I make this right. I’ll find whoever did this to you, I promise.” I pressed my forehead to the cold metal.

Whoever was behind Ry’s death will pay with his life.

Earning a spot on the QEC would be damn near impossible. But I had to try. I didn’t care what I had to do. Joining the Queen’s Immortal Army was the only way to find out who killed Ry and why.

One-click to download episode 2 and find out what happens when Catita and Tek meet up again.

Prime Vector: The QEC Trials, Episode Two

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