who’s too good for Disney movies,” I said and shoved another bite into my mouth. “Tangled is the best of the bunch.”

“That’s the crazy talking,” he countered. “Clearly The Emperor’s New Groove is better.”

I gasped. “Them’s fighting words, Pierce Daniels.” But my lips twitched. “Pull the lever?” I asked innocently, quoting one of my favorite lines from the film.

Heat flickered in his eyes and head leaned forward. “Wrong lever?”

I laughed. “Okay, so maybe you do have some Disney street cred.”

“Actually,” he said, leaning back slightly to allow the waiter to set the plate in front of him. “I think those two things are actually mutually exclusive.” A beat. “But thanks for appreciating it. Even if that’s the only thing you appreciate about me.”

“That is true,” I teased, shoving a bite of pasta into my mouth and barely able to hold back my moan of pleasure.

Pierce gave me an affronted look, but then he picked up a forkful of food and stuck it in his mouth.

I waited.

His eyes widened in surprise.

I knew the feeling because I’d experienced it just over a year ago, when I’d first tasted the chef’s food. Hence, my being a silent partner in a risky investment. Still, good food was half the battle and I’d eaten here enough to know that the other important part—service—was also exceptional.

But Pierce didn’t know that.

“This is delicious,” he said around the bite, which meant it sounded a lot like “Shish sish shulishush.”

“Is this where I say chew with your mouth closed before surrendering to the smolder?”

He wiped his mouth with a napkin, set down the fork. “This is where I say I don’t give two shits about anything besides the amazing food on my plate.” He dropped the napkin back into his lap. “How did you find this place?”

I shrugged. “A lady doesn’t give away her secrets.”

Stormy gray-blue eyes went hot. “I bet I can convince you.”

My pussy clenched. Straight up, right then. With a single look. Uh-oh. “I don’t date children.”

He laughed. “I’m twenty-two. That’s hardly a child.”

“Pierce. I’m thirty-seven.”


He meant it, too, I could tell.

“So, I don’t date people who work with me.”

His laughter burned a hole straight down to my middle. “I think we’ve quite established the fact that we’re not going to be working together.”

He had a point. And the stink knew it, given the way those hot eyes traced me up and down.

“Eat your pasta,” he ordered huskily. Normally orders from men pissed me off, especially men who were many years younger than me, who deigned to think they had a right to give me orders, but there was something about Pierce’s gaze, heavy with approval and desire, that made it less annoying and more . . . promising.

I lifted a brow. “And if I don’t?”

“I’ll just have to—” He broke off and waggled his brows, making like he was going to grab my plate.

I lifted my fork threateningly.

He laughed, went back to his own entrée. “Thanks for lunch.”

My carefully constructed bite of pasta fell onto my plate. “I thought we’d established you were paying,” I said and when he did nothing more but chuckle and then smolder at me again, before continuing to devour his lunch, I knew I was in trouble.

Then deep shit when he snagged the waiter and handed him his card.

And then falling down into a crevice of even deeper shit when he gently tugged my ponytail out from underneath the collar of my jacket when I slipped it on.

Between the table and front door, I considered my options.

At the front door, I made a decision.

I took his hand and pulled him over to my car.

—Get your copy at www.books2read.com/Cougar

End Scene

Book Four


Coming August 24th, 2020

Also by Elise Faber

Billionaire’s Club (all stand alone)

Bad Night Stand

Bad Breakup

Bad Husband

Bad Hookup

Bad Divorce

Bad Fiancé

Bad Boyfriend

Bad Blind Date

Bad Wedding (July 19th, 2020)

Bad Engagement (October 12th, 2020)

Chauvinist Stories (all stand alone)




End Scene

Love After Midnight (all stand alone)

Rum and Notes

Virgin Daiquiri (June 29th, 2020)

Gold Hockey (all stand alone)








Coasting (June 15th, 2020)

Life Sucks Series (all stand alone)

Train Wreck

Hot Mess (coming soon)

Roosevelt Ranch Series (all stand alone, series complete)

Disaster at Roosevelt Ranch

Heartbreak at Roosevelt Ranch

Collision at Roosevelt Ranch

Regret at Roosevelt Ranch

Desire at Roosevelt Ranch

Phoenix Series (read in order)

Phoenix Rising

Dark Phoenix

Phoenix Freed

Phoenix: LexTal Chronicles (rereleasing soon, stand alone, Phoenix world)

From Ashes

In Flames

To Smoke

KTS Series

Fire and Ice (Hurt Anthology, stand alone)

Stand Alones

Someday, Maybe (YA)

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author, Elise Faber, loves chocolate, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and hockey (the order depending on the day and how well her team -- the Sharks! -- are playing). She and her husband also play as much hockey as they can squeeze into their schedules, so much so that their typical date night is spent on the ice. Elise changes her hair color more often than some people change their socks, loves sparkly things, and is the mom to two exuberant boys. She lives in Northern California. Connect with her in her Facebook group, the Fabinators or find more information about her books at www.elisefaber.com.

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