kiss her button nose. “Because you’re smart and beautiful and kind and good. So very good.” Right down to her marrow. She’s the most genuine soul and wouldn’t hurt the fuzz on a fly.

Her cheeks dent with deep dimples as she curls the corners of her lips. “M’kay, Mama. I hope you’re right.”

“This will be a good move for us. You’ll see.” I stand and begin picking up my mess of laundry. “All right, enough serious talk. Let’s get on the road.”

“We get to meet our new house now?”

“Yes, sweetie. But first, let’s get some ice cream.”

The megawatt smile she grants me is all the assurance I need. The strain knotting my stomach eases with another long exhale. Our lives are changing for the better, starting today.

Healing Hug #2: Exchanging simple comfort without needing a side of fluffy words.

“It’s about time you start dating again.”

I choke on my sip of coffee. A very unladylike stream of brown liquid spews from my mouth. To add further insult, stray droplets dribble down my chin. I wrinkle my nose at the frothy mess. What a waste of much-needed caffeine. After getting my mess under control, I glare at my best friend. “Pretty sure I misunderstood you. Care to rephrase that?”

Josey narrows her dark eyes at me. “Oh, come on. It’s been over a year since the Kirk debacle. That might as well be ancient history at this point.”

“I disagree.” I allow my thoughts to wander while gazing outside through the front window of Steeped. There are moments when it feels like yesterday. I fled with Millie from Kirk’s hoity-toity high-rise to the sleepy town of Silo Springs and didn’t bother glancing in the rearview mirror. Best decision I ever made. This community welcomed us with open arms and never let go. And aside from her random bouts of meddling, Josey is the greatest reason to remain rooted in place for years to come. “I just finalized my mortgage. How about we celebrate that rather than bring up old skeletons from my disastrous history with men?”

She swats the air. “You would so go there.”

“Without a doubt. And I’m glad that’s settled.” I roll my gaze to the wooden beams lining the ceiling. “Can I return to enjoying my morning in peace now?”

The light tapping of her nails against the table is answer enough. “I’m just getting started, lady. This has been brewing inside of me, and I’m ready to let it out.”

“Is that so?” I purse my lips while offering her an unflinching stare. This isn’t the first round we’ve battled on this topic. I’m not naive enough to believe it’s the last. Deterring Josey is usually easy enough, but there’s an unfamiliar spark in her eyes today. She’s got something sneaky up her chiffon sleeve. A laundry list of possibilities begins forming while my heart picks up a faster beat. This conversation could lead in far too many directions. The silence stretches taut enough to snap. Taking the scenic route and letting this interrogation cool is the best route to avoid collision. I reach for my mug as if nothing is out of sorts.

“I never took you for a vegetarian, Keke.”

“You’re losing me again.”

Her lips curl into a wicked grin. “Reintroducing meat into your diet is long overdue. You’re a young woman in her prime with needs that extend beyond the reach of a battery-operated boyfriend.” She lifts her chin at me, the angle more than haughty.

She’s just lucky I didn’t have another mouthful of coffee, otherwise I’d have doused the front of her shirt. All I can manage is a basic gape—lips parted and jaw hanging. I should’ve predicted she’d aim straight for the gutter. Heck, I certainly know better. With a flurry of rapid blinks, I collect my composure and sit upright. “I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”

Her snort is loud enough to hear in the crowded café. “Right, right. Your BOB must be losing steam, though. Give that bad boy a rest. A real man has tricks of the trade.”

Routine grinding from an espresso machine kicks up in the background. The grating whir is a pleasant distraction, especially from Josey’s firing squad. But when the distinctive sound cuts off, my friend is still staring at me expectantly. I huff, sending a few strands of blonde off my forehead. “Can we drop it? Dating isn’t on my radar, Joe.”

“Why not?”

“I have more important things to focus on.”

She makes a circular motion with her hand. “Such as?”

“My daughter, first and foremost.”

Her brows lower. “Millie is preoccupied with being a first grader.”

I frown at her easy explanation. “She needs my full attention.”

“Are you worried about her?”

“Always,” I respond without hesitation.

“Why? Isn’t she enjoying school?”

I lift a single shoulder. “She seems to be adjusting well. Her teacher has sent me a few emails, though. Millie’s lack of communication is raising some red flags. Several staff members have noticed. She’s resistant to speaking with just about everyone, even the girls she’s friends with.”

Deep grooves cut across her forehead. “Ah, shoot. I’m sorry, Keegan. Is there something we can do?”

My exhale is long, drawn out on purpose. I’m stalling. This topic is always difficult to breach. “There are special services she might qualify for. She would have to go through an evaluation. I’m not ready to cross that bridge yet.”

Josey nods. “You were a shy kid, right?”

I laugh, as if the opposite could be true. “Uh, yeah. It’s safe to say she inherited the quiet traits from me.”

She rests a palm over my fidgeting hand. “Then don’t fret yet. Millie will find her stride and blossom.”

The tension pulsing in my temple eases slightly. “That’s what I keep hoping for.”

“Great. In the meantime, you can cut loose a bit.” She winks at me. “A little static between the sheets.”

I rub my temples. “No. Just no, Joe.”

“What’s your next excuse?”

She earns another glare for this relentless badgering. “The last thing I need is another careless man to

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