his rival. Or rather, not Freddie’s rival, he corrected himself. His interest in Miss Fairchild was purely on behalf of his nephew.

He bowed. ‘I understand perfectly, ma’am. However...’ Mrs Pridham halted and gave him an enquiring look ‘...Miss Fairchild has been telling me of her interest in astronomy. May I be so bold as to invite you both—and Mr Pridham, naturally—to join me as my guests at Mr Walker’s lecture this Friday? It is to be held at the Exhibition Rooms in Bond Street. As you know, ma’am, I am newly arrived in Bath and to attend such an event alone...’

He let the words hang, his tone of voice and expression inviting her to sympathise with him. As he had hoped, Mrs Pridham was flustered, torn between a flat refusal and wanting to oblige him.

‘Why—why, that is very kind of you, my lord. We had not thought. That is—’

Tristan cut in ruthlessly. ‘I am delighted that you have accepted, ma’am, thank you. I shall call at Sydney Place in good time to convey you all to the lecture.’

With a smile and a bow, he walked away before she could say more. Now all he had to do was to recall where the devil he had seen the advertisement for the lecture and obtain tickets, which at this late stage might require him to pay out an extortionate amount to persuade someone to give up their seats. He would also need to hire a carriage grand enough and large enough to convey them all to the Exhibition Rooms. The Dalmorren travelling chaise would not do at all, since it could not accommodate more than two persons.

His eyes narrowed slightly and he muttered grimly, ‘I hope you appreciate what I am doing for you, Freddie. And I hope she is worth it!’

Copyright © 2020 by Sarah Mallory

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ISBN: 9781488065675

Falling for Her Viking Captive

Copyright © 2020 by Harper St. George

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