bikes. I saw a lot as a kid. The first time I saw someone killed I was only five. I should’ve been scared, I should’ve cried, but I didn’t. I watched, curious. The guy was begging for mercy as my grandfather and father beat him until there was nothing but blood. My grandfather is the one that shot him. It was in that moment that I knew I wanted to be a part of this. I wanted the power that I saw my grandfather and father had. My mother, Adalyn, walked away from the club after my father was killed. She wanted me to walk away too, but I couldn’t. These are my brothers, my family. I’ll never abandon them. I’ll either die for them or die because of them. Either way, it’s how I want it.

“Z,” Reid says, hitting my arm. I snap out of my thoughts and grab the stack of money.

Damn we did make a killing. We all get up, but before I walk out, Brooks calls my name.

“You sure Kace is up for this? I can’t have shit go bad because you want your friend with you.”

“I wouldn’t do shit to jeopardize this club or Kace. He’s ready, he needs this.” I slap his back and grin. “You’re the one who made me SAA, trust that.”

I put my huge earnings in the room I just had my dick sucked in, locking it in the safe that’s hidden in my closet. I go meet Kace and Reid out front, we all light up and I explain how I want things to be done. It’s my job to keep them safe. Not that I think Kingsley is going to pull out a gun, but I wouldn’t put shit past his scumbag crew. Kingsley and his guys are our competition with the strip club. His MC would be what you’d consider upper class. They are an MC of money, with endless resources, and our truest enemy. Over the years the rivalry has gotten worse. The Shattered Souls and the Vegas Kings will never see eye to eye. The wounds are deep and keep getting deeper. This newest shit he’s pulling, opening a strip club, he’s crossing a line. We handle pussy, they handle drugs. It’s the way it’s always been, until a few weeks ago. He’s starting a war he doesn’t want to have.

We pull up to Kingsley’s place and park right in front of his door. “We talk first, fists second,” I state, pushing the Colt into the waistband of my pants. “Guns last.”

I push through the doors as loud music assaults my ears. Sounds like a fucking country song or something, it’s awful. His girls are dancing and I see red when some of our regulars are sitting there watching. I shove my way through the small group of horny men, looking for Kingsley.

One of his guys, Dom, steps in front of me. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to Kingsley.”

“He’s busy.”

“I don’t give a shit if he’s ramming his mom, get him out here or we’ll go looking,” I hiss.

“His mom does like it in the ass,” Reid says with a laugh. When Dom goes to take a swing, I grab his arm. “Hey, I’m just repeating what I’ve heard.”

We laugh, but Dom is just getting more pissed. Two more of his guys come over and I know it’s going to be a fight. This is what I fucking can’t stand about Kingsley. He’s a pussy. He hides behind his guys counting his money. A real man would come deal with his shit.

“Come back tomorrow,” Dom says, crossing his big arms.

“That’s not gonna work for me. Your sister is gonna have my dick in her mouth,” Kace says, provoking a fight.

“Fucking asshole,” Dom yells and takes the first swing.

It’s exactly what Kace wanted and the satisfaction on his face when his fist connects with Dom’s jaw makes me grin. The other two guys come after me and Reid. We’re all throwing punches now and obviously disrupting what’s going on, over on the stage. This will get that asshole Kingsley to emerge. He hides like a pussy, but he doesn’t like his money disturbed and that’s what’s happening now. Chicks are hiding and guys are leaving.

“Enough,” Kingsley yells.

My tongue pokes out to lick the drop of blood his guy drew. It’s nothing compared to his bloody face though. Kace throws another punch, hitting Dom in the temple and he goes down.

“Fuck, Kace, enough brother,” I yell, pushing him behind me.

“What the fuck is this about? Shattered Souls are not welcome,” Kingsley says, lighting his cigar.

I step closer to him and he puffs his chest standing his ground. “You try to take anymore of our girls and a few punches will be nothing,” I whisper.

He laughs and blows out a ring of smoke. “Are you threatening me?”

I grab a cigarette and light it, blowing smoke in his direction. “It’s no threat, it’s a goddamn promise.”

“I don’t need to take your girls, they come running,” he replies, laughing.

I throw a punch and it connects with his jaw. His stunned look makes me proud, until I realize what I did. Fuck.

“Just stay away from our girls,” I demand, turning to walk away.

“Z,” Kace starts.

“I know, fuck, I know,” I say, running my hand through my hair.

We head for the door and for a second I think I’ve been shot. The pain and rush I feel are comparable. I’m not shot though, I’m face to face with Harper Kingsley.

“Zane,” she breathes out. Her deep blue eyes lock onto mine. Her brown hair is longer, but nothing else has changed. She’s as fucking sexy as she was the night I kicked her out of my bed.

“You work here?” I say with distaste.

She left six months ago, wanted out of this life. Now she’s working the fucking strip club that’s threatening ours. What the fuck?

“I run it,” she says. “Hey Kace, how are you feeling?”

“He’s fine, we’re leaving,” I

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