hit the bed.

For several weeks, as the sex itself became more fulfilling, more intense, they even brought toys into play. Finding pleasure with cock rings and vibrators, Violet couldn’t believe the heightened stimulation they added.

She and Max watched a variety of porn, quickly learning what turned them on and what didn’t, and they openly discussed their desires with one another, not holding back when something made one of them uncomfortable.

Violet drew the line at anything dealing with anal. No way, no how was she going there. Thankfully, taking that off the table didn’t seem to bother Max in the least.

And one early dawn, Violet awakened to Max’s head between her legs, bringing her to a quick orgasm. Then she experienced a second one not long after as he found his own release buried deep inside her thrusting like he had when they were first married.

When Violet thought things couldn’t get any better, her husband came up with another idea: swinging.


“What do you think about spending our anniversary at a resort?” Max suggested as he and Violet finished their lunch.

“A fantasy resort?”

Their twenty-fifth anniversary was approaching in a few months, and he thought it would be exciting to feed their new-found sexual appetites at a resort. One that specialized in sexual fantasies, including swinging; bringing other partners into the mix. He had thought to suggest they check out some nearby clubs, but decided maybe something at that level might be best experienced away from home.

Not to say he thought what they would engage in would be anything but normal, it’d definitely be taking it beyond what either had ever considered. As first timers, perhaps keeping this experiment to strangers would be the safest way to go.

“A fantasy resort? Really?” Violet wiped down the counter. “Already bored with what we’ve been doing?”

“Hell, no. Just thinking of elevating to another level. Maybe, adding other partners.” He’d briefly mentioned swinging before, but when Violet showed no interest, he let it drop. Until now. Violet was enough for him, and he believed he was enough for her. But the thought of others just watching their pleasure kinda turned him on.

“Maybe we still have more to learn. More pleasure to unlock.”

“And you think another couple can do that for us?”

Max shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Lots of maybes, Max,” she said hesitantly.

“Here, let me show you this.” He’d been researching resorts and found one in particular that appealed. The promotional material claimed privacy and discretion, while suggesting they could fulfill even the wildest sexual fantasies. For those interested in engaging with other couples, the answers you provided in the questionnaire, helped determined what would be arranged.

Max showed Violet the information about the tropical resort. “I even went so far as to check out the secure chat forum on their blog site. True, everything online should be taken with an open mind. There’s certainly a possibility people are lying. But after I spent the week participating in chats regularly, I really have a good feeling about this place.”

“I don’t know, Max. After glancing at this and listening to you rave about the place, the thought of spending our anniversary in a tropical paradise definitely appeals.” Violet still looked at him with apprehension. “Engaging in more adventurous sex doesn’t sound too bad either.” She chuckled. “But, but having sex with others? With strangers?”

“See, that’s what can be appealing as well. Another couple, unknown to us, with the same desires. There are no expectations other than pleasure. And if we decide it just isn’t what we want, then we back out. No hard feelings. No strings.”

Violet gave him a wary look, and he knew not to push too hard with the swinging issue. He’d let the idea swirl in her mind.

“Okay, so we don’t have to invite anyone else into our fantasies, but I think we should still go. Think of what a wonderful anniversary we’ll have. We can get away from the cold and the rain, and spend eight glorious days in paradise.”

“I do love that idea.” She looked up at him, excitement building in her eyes. “Okay. Let’s go. We’ll see how everything unfolds once—”

Max wrapped Violet in his arms, cutting off her words with a scorching kiss. She melted into him, and he took the kiss deeper as he grabbed her rear and hoisted her up into his arms. She laughed against his mouth as he set her on the counter she just finished cleaning.

“Max, I—”

“Shh,” he whispered against her lips. “Right here, right now, Vi.” Without another word, he made his plans for her clear as he whipped the top off her body and relieved her of her bra. He skimmed his hands across her breasts and pressed her to lie back on the counter. He then made quick work of shimmying off her shorts and underwear before spreading her legs. With an appreciative glance at her body, he parted her folds and feasted, greedily lapping at her pussy and suckling her clit. Her climax was swift, but he wasn’t close to being done.

Max helped her sit up, pulling her to the edge of the counter so she could watch him undress before advancing on her again. Fisting his erection, he positioned himself at her entrance and thrust, filling her to the hilt. With her head thrown back, mouth parted in a silent scream, and her nails digging into his shoulders, he thought he’d never seen anything more glorious, more sensual than her pleasure. Bringing his wife to the brink of another orgasm was powerful, and as he pumped into her, taking them both to the edge, he paused to let the feeling settle deep in his soul.

“Look at me, Violet.”

When she did, she smiled, her lids heavy with desire. He twitched inside her as he felt her clench around him. “Eyes on me, love. We’re going to come together.”

She nodded. He drew back and rammed into her, delighting in her rapid breathing, as her hands tightened on his body while her pussy gripped his cock. He drove into

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