

Thank you to Nancy Hinkel, who is always the life of our party.

Thank you to Stephen Brown, Jenny Brown, and even people whose last names are not Brown at Random House Children’s Books. We raise a toast to you.

Thank you to Jennifer Rudolph Walsh and Alicia Gordon and everyone else we work with at WME, and to Bill Clegg and everyone at the Clegg Agency. You are all masters of seating arrangements.

Thank you to Stella Paskins and everyone at Egmont UK, to Susannah Chambers and everyone at Allen & Unwin in Australia, and to our other foreign publishers, who make the party global.

Thank you, as always, to our family and friends, with the assurance that dinner parties with you usually go better than the one depicted in this novel. Usually.

And thank you to our readers. You’re the reason we threw this party in the first place.

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