who were becoming fast friends.

The three boys worked on setting up the cameras as Jollies and Alex stayed farther back in the canyon, keeping watch for any troll patrols or other dragonriders. Jollies sat on Alex’s shoulder as usual, chattering nearly too fast for Alex to understand.

Sometimes Jollies got like that. It meant she was either excited or nervous, and at the moment, it seemed like too much excitement. She was curious to know how the plan was going to work out. Alex, on the other hand, was trying to keep her pessimism to herself.

Finally, the boys finished placing the cameras. Alex and Jollies came over to check out their work. Altogether, there were ten cameras placed around the circumference of the battlefield. In addition, there were also ten cameras on the ground, facing up at the sky.

Alex pointed at one of the cameras looking skyward. “Okay, so you’re going to have to explain exactly what you’re doing,” she said. “Because it looks like a really weird photography project.”

Gill slid up his visor and sat down on a rock as he scrolled through menus, occasionally looking at his dragon anchor. “I’m creating a digital construction,” Gill explained. “Basically, a virtual reality simulation, or more like a computer-generated image—the kind that humans use for their movies. The sky acts as the green screen. The bodies are assets.”

“You’re making a movie?”

“A movie of our trolls’ reinforcements. Then I’m going to hack into the security systems at the facility and replace their feed with the one that I made.”

Gill pointed to the canyon, and Alex noticed that there were cameras sporadically placed that were used for the facility’s security. “Wait,” Alex asked. “Why didn’t the facility send reinforcements when we were being attacked?”

“Because they’re understaffed. Also, the cameras have a delay, which we can use to our advantage. We’ll head back after I upload the video. By the time we get back, they should be sending out their reinforcements.”

Jim gave Gill a high five and said, “Dude, that’s sick. Using their own tech against them.”

Brath chimed in, speaking a little too loudly and eagerly. “Yeah, that’s amazing, Gill.”

All of the riders turned and looked at Brath, surprised by something other than smugness or carefully cultivated disinterest. Brath blushed under their gaze. “I mean, it is,” he muttered. “You’re always coming up with cool stuff. Just thought you should know.”

Gill smiled as if he had known all along about Brath’s jealousy over his new friendship with Jim. “Thanks, Brath,” he said. “I always appreciate your support.”

Brath huffed and puffed loudly as he folded his arms and turned. “You don’t have to go making it all weird,” he mumbled.

Team Boundless waited while Gill worked on constructing the computer-generated troll horde, which took nearly twenty minutes. The team made conversation during that time, Alex occasionally paying attention when anyone other than Jim spoke. But mostly she zoned out.

Finally, Gill flipped his visor down and stood. “All right. Just sent it through. Let’s get out of here and head back.”

Chapter Two

Team Boundless made their way back to the military facility. They were still having a hard time working together to operate the ATV, but after some readjusting, they found a better system. Alex was still at the bottom of the ATV, but Gill and Jim had switched places.

Jollies wasn’t working the shift anymore; that was Brath’s job. Instead, she was a lookout, watching to make sure they didn’t come across any of the riders from the facility. Being spotted would be the end of their plan. That was what Gill said, anyway, when Jollies pouted about having her position snagged.

Alex was glad Gill had stepped in and said something before she did. She’d noticed that Jollies could go from excited to sullen in a split second. The pixie’s temperament was not something to take lightly.

As they made their way through the canyon, focusing on staying at the top so they could keep an eye on what was going on beneath them, Alex concentrated on ignoring Jim. She had only just got out of this same situation with Gill. There wasn’t anything more uncomfortable than being shoved as close as possible to a boy she liked.

Jim being Jim made it a thousand times worse. He wasn’t as kind or brooding as Gill (which, Alex admitted, was a very interesting combination). Jim was normal and human.

The ATV bounced upward and Brath shouted, “Brakes!”

Jim leaned forward and pressed down on the brakes as Alex took her hand off the accelerator. The ATV jerked forward as it slowed down, and Brath shifted the gears. “I don’t ever want to drive like this again,” Jim said, laughing.

The ATV was slowing too much, so Alex lightly pressed down on her pedal. “Yeah, seriously, this is the most stressed out I’ve ever been in a car,” she agreed. “Never would have thought yetis being so huge would annoy me so much.”

The ATV jiggled and jerked again, and Brath started shouting out commands again. Alex was only half-listening when she felt Brath’s foot kick her shoulder for not pressing the pedal hard enough. “Hey, watch it!” Alex shouted at Brath before turning back to Jim.

Jim laughed as he moved around, trying to get comfortable, which caused him to practically lean against Alex, who held her breath as her heart raced.

Jim reached up and tugged on Brath’s pantleg. “Hey, Brath! How long did you live with your parents?” he asked.

Brath warily looked down at Jim for a second. “That’s kinda a personal question. Why are you trying to get to know me all of a sudden?” he asked.

“It’s just a question. I’m not trying to build a profile on you or anything. Just getting to know the team.”

Brath sighed as he turned his attention back to the road. “I moved out when I was six,” he said. “And I was a late one. My mom and dad said that Brorn, my sister, moved out when she was three. Psh. I would have too, if I

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