place to live. The furnishings were secondhand, the curtains worn, but it was home.

Her mother had been proud of it.

But she’d only had fourteen years to enjoy it.

The funeral had been small with very few people attending. The town blamed Anna for the events that had happened several years before, and it left the two of them with little friends. Her mom had deserved better than the tiny handful of people who attended. She would have given the very shirt off of her back to anyone who needed it. She'd never received the life she so richly deserved. And now, she never would.

Anna crumpled over and sobbed into the couch. Her mom's favorite afghan was spread out, and she buried her face into it. Day slid into night, but she was beyond noticing or caring. She not only cried from grief but from guilt. Ever since the nightmarish night five years ago, she’d wondered when they would be after her again. How could she live with herself if the demons who wanted her had returned, just to take her mother in her place?

Anna's experience with demons was limited. One dismal night, she'd barely survived an attack and learned that Hell was real. It had altered her life and not in a great way. Fearful they would one day return, she had read and researched everything she could get her hands on. Unfortunately, it hadn't been enough. Each day, she'd secretly lived in fear, wondering if it would be the last. There was no way to fight the indestructible.

It was a terrible burden to carry, suspecting that she might be responsible for the death of her cherished mother. Now, it was too late. She should have gone on the run after the night they nearly got her, instead of merely having the cabin blessed by a priest. Iris might still be alive, if she had.

Now she would have to live with her selfishness, knowing Iris was gone because of her. The rest of her life stretched out endlessly, lonely and unbearable to face, as Anna grieved over the only person who had ever loved her.

THE UTTER DESOLATION of one of his own reached him, prompting him to pinpoint the location. Immediately he located the source of a pain and grief so strong, that it demanded his immediate attention. In the blink of an eye, he was there, in a form undetectable to the human eye.

Releasing a deep sigh, he reminded himself it would always have to be this way when dealing with mortals. Elemental power and energy emanated from him in such a way it would be deadly to ever reveal his true self to a mortal. There were times he wanted so badly to comfort someone with a touch, but there was a price to pay when one was as powerful as he was. There were also distinct advantages.

His knowledge was eternal throughout the ages, from the beginning to infinity. He was the Alpha and the Omega, and nothing in the universe had ever been or would ever be hidden from him. Her soul spoke to him softly in a language only he could understand, telling him the thoughts, fears, and feelings even she couldn’t put into words.

He filtered through the two scenarios her life could take. It was an uncertain time for humanity. He felt sad that the woman had seen so much evil. Without his intervention, things would only get worse for the young soul in front of him. She had been targeted by forces she could never hope to stand against—at least not alone. Instantly, he knew what he was going to do, and a trace of a smile haunted his lips. He granted free will to all until one of his own cried out for an intervention or until the forces of Hell decided to play dirty and muck up his plans for humanity.

Armageddon was already beginning. The world was experiencing its birthing pains. Humanity stood poised at the edge of an apocalypse, and they didn't even realize it. Demons had wandered the face of the earth since the times of Adam and Eve, and throughout the ages, prophecy was slowly being fulfilled. The woman before him would play an important role in the upcoming apocalypse. Humanity was sitting on the cusp of events so horrific that they would change mankind for an eternity. Both sides of the equation were making plans, playing with lives, sending out their best players, and getting ready for war. It would be a showdown that the world had never seen before.

Within seconds, a decision was made. His will be done. He smiled with satisfaction, as he departed from her presence.

Chapter 1


Shayne slammed the empty mug down on the glossy surface of the wooden bar, and then held it back up to let the bartender know he wanted another one. The music sucked, but the atmosphere was festive. A man sang about love and his dog, his voice driving nails into his skull. Shayne hoped it ended before he became violent. If music like that was the best the bar could play, no wonder the people surrounding him got so drunk.

It was Christmas Eve and the party was on, at least for everyone else but him. The bar was packed with people, but they made a wide berth around the surly man sitting on the bar stool. There was something lethal and dangerous about him that warned them away, on a conscious and subconscious level. Shayne liked it that way.

Although he looked like a man determined to drink his troubles away, the exact opposite was true. The holidays were busy times for the endurers. Demonic activity was always at its highest when people were at their lowest.

It was even worse now that Armageddon was on the horizon. The fools getting drunk didn’t realize that all hell was breaking lose. The holidays were the worst time for demonic activity, as demons prepared all year for a

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