the best news I’ve heard since we arrived on this world. Well, except for the news that you were alive.”

He gave me a knowing smile, then kissed my knuckles.

Relief that we’d finally slayed the beast made my heart soar. I couldn’t wait to be free of this place. Maveryck helped me get to my feet. My calves burned as I walked, but we had no time for bandaging wounds.

The beast’s snake-like corpse floated in the water. We climbed atop it. I tried to ignore its noxious, greasy scent. Its scales were made of a metallic substance. Walking along the ridge of its back wasn’t as hard as I might’ve imagined as long as I avoided the spiky protrusions.

When we made it to the other side, the world shook. Behind us, large chunks of metal gears broke free and clattered to the ground.

“That can’t be good,” I said.

“No. Without the unicorn’s stone, it can’t stay together. I imagine this whole world will be torn apart soon.”

We headed for the tunnel leading out, but I grabbed Maveryck’s arm. The looming question of the dying world was something that plagued me.

“We can’t leave yet. We can’t steal their only source of power, then allow them to die. It’s not right.”

Maveryck nodded, as if understanding my drawback. “I agree, and I’ve given some thought to this.” He glanced back at the machine. Closing his eyes, he whispered a spell. When he outstretched his hands, an orb of blue magic ignited atop his palms.

The orb grew larger until it floated toward the lake. In its facets, I spotted swaying green trees and a pink-tinged sky.

When he opened his eyes and stepped away, he stumbled. His face turned ashen.

“What did you do?”

“I gave them another way out. That’s the entrance to an undiscovered world. A new planet. A new life.”

“How will they find it?”

He pointed up. A fissure opened above us. Through it, a starry, nighttime sky appeared. “We’re in the city’s center. They’ll find it.”

I nodded, hope swelling in my chest. Maybe they’d have a chance. The ground shook more violently. We ran into the tunnels, the bricks blurring past as we sprinted out.

When we finally made it back up to the surface, the city had devolved into chaos. Fires burned, people ran screaming, and the Regaymor had descended like a plague, their black cloaks and wicked, scythe-like claws ripping flesh.

Maveryck took my hand as we ran through the streets. Fires crackled around us. He led us down narrow alleyways where we dashed past bodies lying dead and bloodied. My heart raced as we approached one street and then another, thinking that at any moment we would be attacked by the Regaymor.

When we made it to the city’s wall, we spotted a passageway and darted through it. The dark forest loomed before us.

I finally got the chance to catch my breath as we stood under the trees, their presence calming me, reminding me of home.

Behind us, footsteps crunched over sticks. We rounded to find Lucretian and the two other Wults. Beyond them, I spotted my brother Kull with Olive, sitting against a tree trunk, the sword at their feet.

“Is that the weapon?” I asked the wizard.

“Yes. That’s the weapon that will stop your world from becoming like this one. Let’s pray you save it.”

“I agree.”

Maveryck took my hand. When I looked up at him, hope swelled in my chest. One quest had ended. Another would begin soon, but he was with me again. As long as we survived, we’d have a life worth living. And we would do it together.

Don’t miss the final book in the Fairy World M.D. series by bestselling author Tamara Gratham! Get your copy today!

The thrilling series conclusion: It's been four years since Olive Kennedy sealed the portals between Earth and Faythander. To keep her mind off all she's missing, she's been working as a consultant to the Houston PD. A clue at a crime scene will change everything. Dark forces are at work, and Olive will stop at nothing to solve the murder and return to the only world she calls home.

Available now on all platforms

About the Author

Tamara Grantham was born and raised in Southeast Texas. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in English from Lamar University. After marrying her husband David, she followed him through his training to become a burn surgeon, which consisted of moving from Vidor, Texas to Galveston, Texas, then to Tulsa, Oklahoma, back to Galveston, and they finally settled in Wichita, Kansas. Tamara and David have five active, sweet, and almost always well-mannered children, ages zero to ten years. Their two pets, June—the Jack Russell Terrier, and Chester—a black cat, help to keep the house lively (in addition to the children.)

When Tamara isn’t writing or tending her children, she enjoys taking walks through the woods, eating chocolate, and very infrequently, she enjoys a good night’s sleep.

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Twisted Ever After

Book 1: The Witch’s Tower

Book 2: The Dragon Swan PrincessOlive Kennedy, Fairy World MD Series

Book 1: Dreamthief

Book 2: Spellweaver

Book 3: Bloodthorn

Book 4: Silverwitch

(Novella): Goblinwraith

Book #5 Deathbringer

Book #6: Grayghost

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