we going?”

I chuckled. “It’s a surprise.”

“You always liked to surprise me.” She grinned.

“Maybe I still do.” I walked with her to the foyer.

“Good night.”

“Good luck with your crisis,” I called to her as she ascended the massive staircase.

By the time I was done with her, Kennedy Martin wouldn’t know what hit her.



I hadn’t pulled an all-nighter since college, but that was exactly what happened when Renee called to tell me the sub-committee on gambling legislation wanted to postpone their vote.

I was on the phone with our lobbyist three different times. We scrambled to try to push for an early morning vote. I talked to every big donor I knew. I had to apply pressure. Someone needed to make this vote happen or I was in jeopardy of losing the Crescent Towers.

I finally climbed into bed at 6am. I plugged my phone into the charger, turned the volume on high in case there were updates from the team, and pulled a sleeping mask over my eyes. The cool satin was soothing.

Six hours later I awakened. “Shit. Shit. Shit.” I threw the mask on the floor. I had missed callas and texts from Renee. I quickly dialed her.

“Where have you been?” she asked.

“Sorry, just tell me. Did they vote? Did we get it?”

“The vote has been postponed indefinitely.”

My heart sank. “Indefinitely? That can’t be right.”

The blinds were closed in my room. Only sunlight filtered at the very edges near the drapes. I felt disoriented. I stood to open the curtains.

“I’ve got some ears on the ground. I think I know what happened.”

“Tell me.” I was desperate for answers.

“There’s a new lobbyist. He showed up last night. He has a big backer in the tech industry who are swaying Senators Merritt and Hyde. Apparently, a huge PAC was set up in the last few days with enough money to fund both of their re-election campaigns.”

“I can fund their re-election campaigns,” I argued. This couldn’t be happening. “Who is it? Who is the donor?”

“You know how these things go. Shell companies fund the PAC.”

“I want to know who it is. I want a name.” The landscapers were outside mowing. I turned from the window.

“We’ll find out who it is, but it’s going to take time. I need a few days, maybe a week.”

“Do you have any leads? Anything?” I was grasping at straws.

“All I know is the PAC is called BONO. For the Better of New Orleans.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell.” I felt despair. Dread.

“Me either.”

I groaned and plopped on the bed. “Renee,” I pleaded. “Don’t let this happen to the project.”

“I won’t. In the meantime, I’ll still use our contacts. Our lobbyist is still working. Construction is going well, right?”

“Yes. It’s on track.”

“That’s good. Keeping the project on schedule is key to pushing the legislators. It’s going to come together, Kennedy. You’ll see. Focus on those things you can control, and I’ll focus on the others.” She was one of my only employees who called me by my first name.

“I could go under,” I whispered.

“You won’t,” she urged. “You won’t.”

I took a giant inhale. “Call me with any updates.”

“I always do.”

I hung up with Renee. It was after noon, long past when I usually drove to the office. I would work the rest of the day from home. I wandered to my closet. Work from home meant work casual attire. I saw the red swimsuit hanging by the door.

I remembered Knight’s visit. The kiss by the pool. I touched my lips lightly, wondering if they appeared blue. Knight had kissed them raw. It was a brutal punishing kiss. It drained logic and sanity from my head. I’d waited five years for that kiss. I could still feel it burning my skin. It made me wonder what he had in store for our date tonight. More than that, I wondered why I agreed to go.

I watched from my bedroom window when Knight pulled into the circle drive. I was hidden by the curtain. He wore a dark suit. Fitted. From this far away he still looked edible. I took a full inhale. The doorbell rang, but I didn’t budge. It wasn’t long before Bella knocked on my door.

“Ms. Martin, your guest has arrived,” she announced, and I pretended I wasn’t aware that the air was twenty degrees warmer since he walked through the front door.

“Thank you, Bella. Tell him I’ll be down in a minute.” I was dressed. I stepped into the high black heels that added inches to my height. I hesitated in front of my vanity. I flipped open the marble box and pressed the button underneath the velvet shelf. The tiny door popped, and I retrieved the necklace. It was a bold statement. I touched the pearl against my skin once the clasp was fastened. It was a night for surprises.

I took one step down and I saw him. I swallowed, wondering if I should call off the date. The man waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase looked like a wolf ready to draw in his prey. Was it the Knight I knew, or was it a new version that had let in more darkness than light?

I took a second step and then a third, until my hand was in his.

“You look gorgeous.” He leaned to kiss me on the cheek.

“Thank you.”

“You ready?” he asked.

“I am.” My phone was tucked in my small purse. I had silenced it. “Where are we going?”

“I have a full evening planned. You’ll see.”

“Marguerite’s?” I guessed. I had been to visit her a few times after Knight’s move to Paris. She knew I missed him. But eventually, even that became too difficult for me.

He chuckled. “Even better. Trust me.”

I expected Knight to drive us out to the bayou. He liked the places on the road less traveled. The anonymity that came with dive bars and local haunts. As we turned through more downtown streets, I had a sinking feeling. It felt off.

He pulled along the curb as the valet hurried

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