best date I’ve ever had, but maybe he’s different when he’s not forced to show up to places he doesn’t want to be at.

I reach into the coat closet in the living room and pull out a jacket, slipping it on, before I walk toward the front door and head out.

Seems my little firebug struck faster than any of us expected him to.

The half an hour ride to Agoura Hills was easy and uneventful.

That is until I saw how bright the orange tinge was against the sky the closer I got.

D wasn’t lying when he said the Ranch was engulfed because I could smell the timber burning from miles away.

Once I arrived, I parked down the street and ran up to the group of firefighters that were working on putting out the blaze. Since I’m not dressed for work right now, I can’t go in and do anything until they’re done and one of them lends me their helmet and suit.

I spot Dom, still in his suit and tie, staring grimly at the fire raging against the will of the men and women trying to put it out, and I jog over to him.

“What the hell happened?” I shout over the roar of the flames.

“This prick doesn’t seem to want to take more than a day or two off now,” he replies in an even tone.

I let out a sigh as I stand next to Dom, both of us watching and feeling hopeless as the fire continues to rage.

“I don’t think they’re going to be able to snuff this one,” I mumble to myself, to which Dom reaches over and ribs me with his elbow. When our eyes meet, he gives me a stern stare and I nod.

No man is ever defeated until his last breath is taken from him.

That’s his motto; the exact same one that he instilled in me when I first took the job. He wasn’t being chauvinistic, just general in his speaking, and I try to remember that mantra every time I feel like I’m facing a fire that seems impossible to beat.

Five hours.

That’s how long it took for D and the rest of the crew to put the blaze out and I watched the sunrise over the smoke. The light broke through in small slivers, giving us a glimmer of hope and I think that renewed the determination of each of them, pushing them to fight harder.

To see the sun through a billow of angry smoke means the fire is almost defeated and it was the smallest of motivations that helped them see this through to the end.

Derick walks over to me, and without a word, hands me his helmet and jacket. I put a hand on his shoulder and smile as best as I can to let him know that he’s done an amazing job leading the charge when I was nowhere to be found. He gives me a small smile of gratitude in return as he goes over and leans against his firetruck, hands on his knees, taking in deep breaths.

Dom falls into step beside me as we head into what’s left of the nearest building first. The Los Angeles County Fire Chief gives me a cold stare as he joins us, and I roll my eyes at him.

“This isn’t the time for territorial bullshit. I think this is my guy so I’m here to see what I can find,” I explain him as patiently as I can.

“Fine by me, little girl. I’ll expect a report emailed to me by the end of the day,” he quips before he turns on his heel and swaggers away with his nose up in the air.

“Did he just call me—”

“Fuck him, Makena. Let’s get to work,” Dom says as he pushes open the door to the general store and disappears inside.

I shake my head as I follow him, wondering when Dom became my father too, but I know we’re here to get a job done and not to let our egos get in the way.

However, once I’m inside, it takes next to nothing for me to see it.

The exact same fucking pattern that my arsonist likes to leave behind.

Scorched onto the wooden floor of the general store is his calling card.

A massive lily drawn perfectly by accelerant and painted to life by the fire he set to get our attention.

Chapter 16

I snuck into the house when she left. I couldn’t find it in my heart to go home and leave her alone with him. Even though she wounded my heart deeper than that day so many years ago when I realized I may never see her again, I know she needs me more than ever.

I made sure that I was as quiet as could be as to not to wake him up. I don’t want him to tell her that I was here, and I certainly don’t want him to try to be a hero. It would end in his death and I would have to burn Makena’s home to the ashes to hide the evidence which is something I’d rather not do.

Stay asleep, you fucking thief, I thought bitterly as I wandered past him into the hallway.

I’ve walked from room to room, opening each door and stepping in to inspect it. I guess I’ve been looking for any sign that she might have held me close to her heart like I have her, but so far, I haven’t found anything.

Nothing from her childhood.

No pictures of her family.

No pictures of friends.

Not a single trace that we even met each other so long ago.

I move quickly, doing my best not to disturb anything. Even if I did, she wouldn’t suspect anyone other than the bastard on her bed for rifling through her personal belongings, but he’ll get his in due time.

He doesn’t know that his time is quickly coming to an end, but that’s not my good news to share with him. He’ll learn this little

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