need the help, I just like the distraction. When I was in college I lost both my parents in a car crash and I dropped out. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do now that I didn’t have them or their support. I’d thought I wanted to be a banker or something like that and majored in business, but after the shock of losing them, I realized that life is short.

Luckily my parents had life insurance and it took care of me. I’ve never had to worry about money, but I’ve always been really careful with it. I never wanted to waste the gift I was given, so when I sat back and thought about what I wanted to do, I realized that helping people was what was in my heart.

I had a buddy from high school that reached out to me after I lost my parents and made me go to the gym with him. We started working out every day, and the more I did it, the better I felt. It was at the gym where I would watch the firefighters work out and sometimes I’d see them in the middle of a rep and their radios would go off and they’d have to jet out. They’d hop in their trucks and hit the sirens and I remember standing there watching them leave thinking I should go help too. It truly was a calling inside of me. My need to go into the burning building and rescue someone overrode my need to sit back and watch.

I went through the training and Chief was one of my instructors. We ended up getting along and he said he saw a lot of promise in me. The department didn’t have a full-time spot, but I let Chief know that I didn’t want to take the full-time pay away from a firefighter that needed it. Part-time was just fine by me, and late-night hours too. I don’t like being alone and most nights I sleep at the firehouse even if I’m off.

Maybe my parents knew one day I’d end up in this job and that’s why they named me Blaze. Everyone thinks it’s a nickname, but I don’t mind it. I was born to do this job, and I work hard at it. I don’t have a lot in my life besides the crew I work with, and it’s okay with me.

Some people might think it’s lonely but I’ve gotten used to it. The guys at the station are my family and I really don’t have time for much else. I can’t remember the last time I looked at a woman and felt even a hint of a spark. So what’s the point of wasting my time with women if they mean nothing? I remember how much my parents loved each other, and I won’t settle for anything less than that. Until I find the one, I just plan on working and doing what I can to save lives.

“What was the call for?” Chief asks as we hop in the truck and hit the sirens.

“A non-emergency, but they’re sending an ambulance,” I tell him as I cut through a red light and head south.

There are different levels of emergencies we can be sent to cover, and thankfully since we don’t have our gear this one doesn’t require much. We just need to show up and assist any medical personnel and check for fire safety.

“Good. Maybe we can get back to McCarthy’s before my beer gets hot.”

I shake my head as I make the turn and see a giant crowd in the park. “What the hell?” I say to myself when I see something that looks like a unicorn.

Chapter Three


“Oh God,” I whisper to myself when I see no one else is dressed up for the office picnic.

Most of the men are in shorts and polos and the girls are all in summer dresses and heels. I’m not sure how they’re walking in the grass with them on.

I don't just stand out, I have a freaking spotlight on me. People keep turning to look at me wondering what the heck I’m doing. I’m not sure if I should run and hide or stick it out. I think the girls want me to run away in embarrassment, and truthfully that’s what I really want to do. I don’t understand what I’ve done to these women to make them dislike me so much. To go as far as making up a lie that this was a costume party to try to embarrass me. I should have known better. I’m always too naïve and trusting when it comes to people. I should have gone with my gut because they’ve been so rude to me from the beginning. Why would this be any different?

“Are you here to perform or something?” Mike from Accounting asks me as his eyes roam over my outfit.

“I’m Rosa. From the front desk,” I remind him. I see the man every morning when he comes in to work. I guess because I dress in clothes that cover myself he hasn't taken the time to notice me. I want to roll my eyes at him, but I’m the one in the middle of a park in a unicorn costume. I don't have room for judgment right now.

“Rosa.” He repeats my name as he pulls his beer away from his mouth to run his eyes over me again. The first time was enough to make my skin scrawl.

I think Rie was wrong about this outfit. It isn't leaving much to the imagination, and Mike is making sure to take in every inch of me. This bodysuit was a bad idea, plus it’s hot. I thought the white would help keep the sun from beating down on me but it’s not.

“Didn’t recognize you with the color in your hair.” So he says, but his eyes never come to my face, let alone my hair. “They paying you to put on a show or

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