sending out, unsure of the signals she was receiving. She’d been glad when the car had pulled up at the observatory entrance.

She slipped her sunglasses on and turned to watch him. He was busy surveying the London skyline, eyes fastened to the talking telescope. His face had been a picture when he’d spotted it, full of boyish delight.

No one needs to talk to me.

He seemed to be an intensely private person. She’d noticed a momentary glimmer of discomfort in his eyes when she’d told him she was a writer. He was a star in the business world. You had to be pretty fearless to survive in the world of tech. What could he possibly be scared of?

She felt her phone vibrating in her hand, saw Ash’s face on the splash screen. ‘Hey, you!’

‘Dare I ask...?’

‘We’re here, at the observatory.’ She grinned. ‘Theo’s got his eye to the telescope right now.’

‘I owe you big time!’

After Hal? He had to be kidding. ‘You don’t owe me anything. Where are you?’

‘Fifteen minutes away.’ He was happy; she could tell. ‘I’ve managed to book a meeting room inside the planetarium. They’re doing coffee for us, so just go in when you’re ready.’

‘Perfect timing! Theo’s just relinquished the telescope to a sobbing child...’ He was looking around, clearly trying to spot her. She raised a hand and, when he saw, he broke into a smile, started walking towards her with a long, easy stride.

Ash laughed. ‘Is he that tyrannous?’

‘I was joking—he isn’t tyrannous at all.’ A toddler with a spinning helium balloon ploughed into Theo’s legs. She watched him absorbing the impact, dropping to his haunches, laughing, talking to the tot, smiling away, pointing to the bobbing balloon. ‘He’s sharp as a tack, but he has a heart, otherwise he wouldn’t have come.’ She dropped her gaze, noticing a scuff mark on her shoe. ‘When you arrive, I’m going to disappear, okay?’

‘Is everything all right?’

‘Of course it is. It’s just that...’ Theo makes my head spin ‘ don’t want me hanging around while you make your presentation. I’ll only heckle and make a terrible nuisance of myself.’

He chuckled. ‘We’ll catch up later, then?’

‘Yeah—just make sure you smash it out of the park, okay?’

Copyright © 2020 by Ella Hayes

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ISBN-13: 9781488065194

Brooding Rebel to Baby Daddy

Copyright © 2020 by Ally Blake

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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