liked holding Jace’s hand.

“Remember what I said about going to security? You’ll show the agent your boarding pass and ID. Then you’ll get into the line to go through the detectors. You don’t have a belt on or any jewelry. I already made sure your pockets were empty. You put your backpack on the conveyer belt and take off your sandals and put them with the backpack. They’ll tell you when you can step through. Daddy will be right behind you.”

“What if…what if they want to, like, pat me down? Or strip search me?” That could happen. Avery didn’t want to be strip searched. Avery had already asked but he needed Jace’s reassurance.

“They might pat you down. But they are not going to strip search you. I promise.”

“Okay.” But Avery was still worried. This is why he hadn’t worn his diaper. But Jace had talked him into wearing his favorite padded briefs with giraffes on them. He didn’t think the agents would appreciate them as much as his Daddy.

Jace stopped and pulled him to the side. More people whizzed by in a hurry to go somewhere. Avery closed his eyes and leaned into his strong Daddy. His arms were wrapped around Albert and Jace’s arms were wrapped around him. He felt so safe that Avery could almost forget that he was surrounded by strangers.

“I made sure we have plenty of time before the plane takes off. If you need a break you just tell me. I’ll find a quiet place for us.” He spoke quietly in Avery’s ear. “I think this will be the hardest part. Once we are inside the gates then we’ll get a drink and have some snacks. Then we can watch the planes come and go until it’s our turn.”

“K, Daddy,” Avery murmured.

“Such a good boy. You are being so brave. I love you so much.”

Avery leaned his head back to peer up at Jace. “I love you too. So much.”

Jace gave Avery a sweet quick kiss before he released him.

An older man passing gave them a nasty look but Avery didn’t care any longer. It wasn’t like they were making out in the middle of the airport.

Jace retook his hand and that man didn’t matter. Only Jace mattered. Avery would probably never see these people again in his life. He just needed to keep reminding himself that. They didn’t matter. Only Jace did.

They got in the security line and Avery watched everyone who was ahead of him. Yep, just like Jace had said. Shoes off, no electronics, no belts, and everything had to go onto the conveyer belt. He patted his backpack to reassure Jared and Buster Brown. Then gasped. He tugged at Jace’s sleeve.

“What’s wrong?”

“Albert!” He whispered. “He doesn’t want to have his scan by himself. Can you put him in with Jared and Buster Brown? They might get scared and he can explain what’s happening.”

“Good idea,” Jace praised. “We’ll take him out when we get to the gate.” He turned Avery around and Avery handed him Albert after giving his eagle a kiss.

“All set.” Jace patted his back. “Okay, you are up next. Get ready.”

He accepted his boarding pass and ID from Jace just as the agent called out. ‘Next’

Avery stepped forward. He handed over what was in his hand. She didn’t speak to him, so Avery remained silent as well. He never knew what to say or not to say to strangers. She looked from him to his ID circled something on his boarding pass and handed it back.

‘Next.’ She called again and Avery figured she was done with him.

He walked slowly in case she called him back but Jace was already handing over his papers.

Okay, easy enough. He got in the next line where people were already taking off their shoes and belts. Avery was glad that Jace had bought him sandals so he could just slip them off.

“See that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jace asked.

“No, it was alright.” Still the contraption or whatever that was in front of him was kinda scary.

“Put your stuff up,” Jace told him.

Avery set his shoes down and then swung his backpack onto the belt. As the belt started to move his backpack away from him Avery had the sudden urge to lunge for it. Jared, Buster, and Albert! Lily!

“It’s okay,” Jace murmured. “You’ll be right behind them.

Jace had to remove stuff from his backpack. Their phones, his laptop, tablet, so while Jace was busy Avery stared after his backpack.

So much could go wrong!

What if they machine broke and his bag was stuck inside?

What if there was something wrong with the machine and it caught fire?

What if-

“Baby, they’re calling you.” Jace nudged him.

Sure enough an agent stood waving at Avery. Avery stepped into some kind of contraption that was metal and glass. Or plexiglass? He didn’t know the difference.

“Feet within the marking and hold your hands up like the picture,” the agent ordered.

Avery moved into position.

He took a deep breath.

“All done. Please step out and stand to the left.”

“That’s…it?” he asked.

The older lady smiled. “That’s all.”

Avery stood to the left where she’d pointed and another agent, male, and not smiling was looking at a computer. He nodded at Avery and Avery took that he was dismissed.

He rushed to the end of the long table and grabbed his backpack. He hugged it to his chest before he dropped down struggling to open it.

“What are you doing?” Jace asked from behind him.

“Just checking on them,” Avery answered as he patted Jared, Buster Brown, and Albert. He even gave lily a quick caress.

“Come on boy. Shoes on. We don’t want to be in other people’s way.”

“Oh sorry.” Avery grabbed his sandals from Jace and slipped them on. He waited for Jace to put all the stuff he had to take out back into the backpack. Avery was glad Jace had to deal with all that. He swung his backpack on and peered around.

It was still busy all around him with way too many people, but

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