more in some things, but not when it comes to parental love. More is always better, and I’m lucky enough to enjoy it in abundance.

I’d also like to thank some special people who have helped in a number of ways. Greta Boris and Megan Haskell ran O.C. Writers, our local writing organization, while I was doing Other Things. They not only kept it going but made it better while I was away. My critique group colleagues at O.C. Fictionaires read a portion of an early draft and their encouragement and feedback was invaluable. I’m also deeply grateful to Shannon Cramer for her enthusiasm for early chapters and her eagle eye on the final draft.

Katrina Roets’ editorial prowess made the manuscript better, and Karri Klawiter’s artistic talent is responsible for the gorgeous book cover. Both are true professionals, and I was fortunate to have worked with them.

Finally, the people who deserve my deepest thanks and gratitude are my two favorite people in the world: my wonderful husband and daughter. They are tolerant beyond measure about the piles of research and writing notebooks that accumulate in any room I inhabit, the dinners that are late when I get lost in a story, and the ridiculous amount of time I spend tapping away on my laptop computer. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, writers aren’t like normal people, and I’m blessed that my family loves me anyway.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Fine Skylark Media

P.O. Box 1505

Lake Forest, California 92609-1505

Dragonfly Maid: The Queen’s Fayte Book One

Copyright © 2020 D.D. Croix

ISBN: 978-0-9908146-7-2

All rights reserved.

Cover art and design provided by Karri Klawiter

Editing services by provided by Katrina Roets

Dragonfly Maid: The Queen’s Fayte Book One : by D.D. Croix — 1st ed.

[1. Teen and Young Adult Historical Science Fiction and Fantasy — Fiction. 2. Teen and Young Adult Fantasy and Supernatural Mystery — Fiction. 3. Science Fiction and Fantasy Coming of Age — Fiction. 4. Science Fiction and Fantasy — Dark Fantasy — Fiction. 5. Science Fiction and Fantasy — Myths and Legends — Fiction.]

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