it to them. I felt no rush, at all. They were young, and at that age where their needs could change in a heartbeat. I would be patient. Bide my time. Wait until I was 100 percent certain.

I realized, gleefully, all the girls had accepted me introducing myself simply as Viv, and not one of them had any idea who I really was—Vivian Ascot, one of the sponsors of the music festival and CEO of one of the largest and oldest corporations in the world.

“What a good little boy you’ve been,” I told Max. “You’ve brought me this wonderful opportunity.”

I watched the girls walk away, arm in arm, lifelong friendships appeared to be budding. Jessica was going to stay with Aubrey tonight instead of running the risk of running into Ralph at her hotel, and then they were all planning to go together to watch Daisy’s “gig” at the festival the next day. I contemplated what those young women, my rescuers, needed. They were so young. So filled with hope. So confident that they knew everything they wanted and needed for happiness. Naturally, they had no idea.

Of the three of them, I had gotten to know Jessica the most. I loved the way she had described Timber Falls, the small resort town in the Canadian Rockies where she had grown up and ran her bookstore, and where her parents still lived.

But, while it had sounded like a great place for aging parents, and possibly for a short holiday, and while Jessica undoubtedly felt safe there, what longing had led her to Copenhagen? Whatever she had told herself, I felt her journey to the music festival was not so much about a romance as it was about a longing for a larger world. Young people need challenges to make life seem fresh and interesting.

The small town had to be quite stifling for someone so smart and ambitious. And single. But now, after the Ralph fiasco, it seemed there was a possibility Jessica would go back there and be more reluctant than ever to explore all life had to offer.

Well, not if I had anything to do with it.

Waiting for my car to come, I felt the most delicious wave of happiness. I decided playing fairy godmother to those three young women was probably going to be just about the most fun I had ever had.

Copyright © 2020 by Cara Colter

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ISBN-13: 9781488065200

Unlocking the Tycoon’s Heart

Copyright © 2020 by Ella Hayes

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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