kid, but this time, I am on complete watch.

I quickly dial Gabriella’s number. “How long until you’re back home?”

“Oh, hello to you, too,” she teases, the sound of wind muffling her voice. “I don’t know, like fifteen minutes?”

“Okay, no longer than that.” I hang up the phone but keep it close by just in case.

It’s watching me, I think.

It’s slit-shaped pupils make it hard to figure out exactly where the lil’ bugger is staring. It has to be me, I’m the only person in the house and in this room.

This is it, Olly, get over your fear, move on. You’re a big boy, not a kid. You’re a grown man with a fiancée, son, and another baby on the way. You’re going to play major league soccer in the United States.

You can do this.

“Listen,” I command, staring at Pixy contently. “You don’t like me, I get it. And if we’re being honest, I’m not that fond of you.”

He’s perfectly still as if he’s listening to my threat and planning his attack.

“We have a lot of mutual people in common. A lot of people who love us both, so I propose some sort of truce. When I’m in the room, how about you’re outside. And when I’m training or at a game, please feel free to roam around the house. How does that sound?”

I hold my breath waiting for some sort of charging attack until it freezes, tipping over onto its side.

Holy fuck, I’ve killed it!

In a panic, I scramble for my phone until it gets back on all fours, let’s out a loud “Baaa,” then strolls out of the room.

My heart has fallen into my stomach, then I remember Aubrey explaining Pixy to me on the first day I arrived at Hermosa Beach…

“Pixy has congenital myotonic symptoms.”

“I thought Chance said its name is Mutton?”

Aubrey shoots Chance an annoyed look. “So, anyway, Pixy’s variety is commonly known as a ‘fainting goat.’ It’s a genetic disorder. They faint when they get nervous. All the muscles in their body freeze up, and they tip over. Only lasts about ten seconds, then he goes about doing his business.”

“Excuse me?” I laugh. This was ludicrous. “The goat faints?”

“Yes,” Aubrey confirmed. “Now, let me show you to your room. And just a word of warning, Pixy likes this room, so you might want to become friends.”

The fainting goat. Alone in the lounge room, I break out into hysterics. Me—Mr. Arrogant Aussie—afraid of a fainting goat.

Gabriella walks in, pushing the pram with Alexander fast asleep.

“What’s so funny?” she asks, placing her keys down and eyeing me dubiously.

“Oh nothing,” I chuff, grabbing the remote. “It’s between me and Pixy.”

“Oh God, I forgot I left you with him. Is that why you called me, panicked?”

I shake my head, unable to control the bursts of laughter. “I think we should get one.”

“What? A goat? Have you lost your mind? We have a baby and another one on the way. Plus, the last time I checked, you’re terrified of them.”

“Yeah,” I grin, shaking my head with amusement. “But sometimes people change.”

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He was that boy in the playground.

The one who pulled your pigtails.

The one who lifted your dress in front of the entire school.

Now he’s that guy in the office.

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Presley Malone knew her relationship with her fiancé, Jason, had run its course.

The second that ring came off her finger, she didn’t expect to be the pawn in an immature game played by the office jerk.

Haden Cooper enjoyed playing games, and when it came to Presley Malone, it was all too easy. Miss Know-It-All with her over-the-top OCD was soon going to get a taste of what it was like to live on the edge.

But what starts off as an innocent prank soon becomes an unhealthy obsession.

*** NOTE – Standalone story with HEA. ***

More from Kat T. Masen

Stand Alones


Roomie Wars

Wedding Wars

Baby Wars

Kicking Reality

Bad Boy Rich

Mr. Rebound

Sweet Temptation

Dirty Bad Boys Box Set

Roomie Wars Box Set

The Dark Love Series Box Set

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Box set includes:

Into the Darkness Book One

Into the Light Book Two

Julian Book Three

Adriana Book Four

Check these links for more books from Author Kat T. Masen.


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Born and bred in Sydney, Australia, Kat T. Masen is a mother to four crazy boys and wife to one sane husband. Growing up in a generation where social media and fancy gadgets didn’t exist, she enjoyed reading from an early age and found herself immersed in these stories. After meeting friends on Twitter who loved to read as much as she did, her passion for writing began, and the friendships continued on despite the distance.

“I’m known to be crazy and humorous. Show me the most random picture of a dog in a wig, and I’ll be laughing for days.”

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