was pounding in my chest unsure of when and how he got into the house.

Besides that, I was uncomfortable with the look that was projected on his face. It was him, but then again it wasn’t. He stood up now, and I could see his sides moving in and out from how heavy he must have been breathing. His muscles were much more noticeable than they had been the last time I’d seen him. Don’t get me wrong; he’d always had definition to him, but there was much more present now.

He held his hand out to me impatiently.

I shook my head. “Um about that…I’m not allowed to go out after dark, plus I have school tomorrow. Why don’t you go get some sleep on the couch downstairs?”

So, it was a bad excuse. But right now, my brain wasn’t in full function mode, so I said the first thing I thought of to get him out of my room.

“What’s wrong Adelay, don’t you trust me?”

Did he really want to know the answer to that? I half nodded.

“Then let’s go. I just want to go for a walk. You know, like old times.”

There was no way in hell I was going for a walk with him at…what time was it anyways? I looked over at my clock. Midnight, yeah, I’m not so comfortable with that scenario.

He dropped his hand to his side with a thump kneeling down once more beside me. “Pleassse.” There was a familiar slur in his voice when he said that which I pretended not to notice; except for my heart was doing a number in my chest.

I hoped to hell he couldn’t hear it like Davin would have been able to. His face was once again in front of mine, and I could literally hear, along with feel, his warm breath coming out in faster gasps. He inched his face closer, then lightly brushed my lips with his. His mouth felt like it was on fire.

I stayed frozen in place at the unexpected affection. I kept my lips firmly planted on his inferno of a kiss, despite the voice that was warning me inside my head to get away from him and fast. I closed my eyes, letting the warmth move through my mouth and down my throat, leaving a burning trail on every area that it passed.

He partially opened his mouth pulling away slightly, and I opened my eyes to the same emotionless smile pasted on his face. I waited to hear what he was about to say.

“Ouch!” I yelped in surprise when he bit down hard on my lower lip, leaving a trickle of blood running down my chin.

I wiped my hand across it looking down at the smear of blood on the back of my hand. When I glanced back up at him, I was crudely met by two pools of oil staring back at me, distinctly rimmed in a deep red that used to once be beautiful cerulean blue.

A pair of razor-sharp teeth distended out from behind his curled lip, but the features of his smooth olive-toned face remained human.

He was caught somewhere in between a man and a wolf. Not completely changed, but he was on his way soon enough, and I wasn’t sticking around to see the aftermath. Gathering up whatever courage I might have inside me -which at this moment there wasn’t much- I flung my covers behind me, hearing them hit the wall with a cushioned thud. His body shifted backwards, startled by my movement.

Clumsily jumping out of the bed, I headed straight for my door, avoiding looking behind me to see where Xander was because that would do nothing more but take crucial seconds from my attempted getaway. I didn’t have to look to know where he was because, within minutes, I felt the rough yank of my hair from strong, warm hands embedded in the back of my head.

My body jolted backwards knocking me instantly to the ground. “Wow, you have no problems playing rough do you Xander?”

I tried to make light of the situation to hopefully spare me a little bit of time to think of my next move. I knew the real Xander was still under there somewhere that would have laughed at my sarcasm. Nothing was coming to me fast enough. He had released his hold on my hair when I first collided with the floor, but he had firmly planted his foot in my chest to make sure I stayed in place.

“The full moon is rising. Beware the beast that lurks from within its power. Eternal night is coming fast.” With that he let out a shrieking howl and bounded down the stairs and out of sight.

When I opened my eyes, I was in the same position I had fallen asleep in with Oz buried in my neck, purring his own lullaby. Rosanne was playing on my TV, and the rest of the house was silent indicating my parents had gone to sleep already.

Whew! It was only a nightmare! Xander hadn’t been here, and I was safe in my bed with no unexpected visitors. I looked at my clock that coincidentally read 12:00AM.

“This shit is getting old,” I said out loud.

Oz opened one eye, answering me with a soft meow. I looked across the room at the window seeing that the drapes were still closed tight, and my bedroom door remained latched and untouched by any intruders. I wished Davin were here with me right now because the dream left my fragile nerves unsettled. Usually when I had a dream or a vision it meant something bad was stirring in the air, and Davin wasn’t here to protect me if something was going to happen within the next 24 hours.

I expelled the heavy breath I was holding in and decided I should try to get some sleep before tomorrow.

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