all him. But it didn't change that here, he'd finally found a place that didn’t feel like he was the guest that had been invited over out of pity because he had nowhere else to go—okay, so it had started that way, but not anymore—and leaving was proving difficult.

Still, Sawyer couldn’t hide out here much longer. He still had other investments in his portfolio to oversee, and he was pretty sure Mark was going to report him as a missing person if he didn’t show up at the office soon.

The ski resort was his current project, but not his only one. He had to get back and make sure everything else was in order and running smoothly before he could come back to Ford.

Sawyer inhaled in Ford's scent as he nestled his chin into the shorter man’s soft, blond hair, trying to get as much in his lungs and etched into his brain as he could to tide himself over. They stood there, arms around each other, while the town car waited a few steps away to take him to the airport, but separating himself from Ford was like having his tooth pulled with no anesthesia.

Their foreheads touched, and he whispered, “I’ll be back just as soon as I can.”

“Promise?” There was a small hitch in Ford's voice as he asked.

Sawyer straightened and used his finger to lift Ford's head so his expressive blue eyes would meet his. “I promise.” He didn't add anything more because his throat was already tight. He hated that Ford was sad—it was obvious since Ford wore his heart on his sleeve—but there was a part of him that loved knowing there was someone sad he was leaving and would be waiting for him to come back.

He leaned in, and Ford met him with a soft, yet passionate kiss. Ford released a soft moan, and it had Sawyer's body responding. It would be so easy to take him back to the room they'd just vacated and ravish him. It would be so easy to postpone his flight, yet again, and forget that he actually had a lot to do in New York. But Sawyer had a plan, and he needed to go back to put it in motion.

He finally stepped back from Ford, and he missed having him in his arms immediately.

When did you get so needy, Lancaster?

“Bye.” Ford's voice was barely above a whisper. “Call me when you land.”

“I will.” He would probably call Ford when he boarded, when he landed, and as many times as he could in between.

For the first time in a long while, he didn't feel like he was all alone in the world.

After a couple more “goodbyes,” “I’ll miss yous,” and several more kisses, Sawyer managed to walk over to the car. When he slid into the back seat and shut the door, his eyes immediately sought out Ford, and he pushed the button to roll the window down.

Ford stood a couple of feet away, his hands in his coat pockets, and Sawyer wanted to open the door and pull Ford back into his chest, to feel that body he’d become so well acquainted with.

The smile Ford shot him was shaky, and he gave Sawyer a small nod like he was telling him it was okay for him to leave, that he would be fine.

Sawyer tapped the driver’s seat, giving him permission to drive on, and the car reversed away from the house that had welcomed him as though he was returning home. Sawyer would move heaven and earth to keep his promise of a speedy return.

He'd told Ford that both he and Amber Falls were home now, and leaving the town drove in how very true that was. Not the least because his heart was staying behind.

Ford had wanted to drive him to the airport, but this was for the best. He refused to think about Ford driving back home in tears. Hell, Sawyer wasn't sure he would have gotten on the plane if he was faced with the sadness in Ford’s eyes at the airport.

“This isn’t much better,” he muttered under his breath and leaned back against the car seat. Focus, Lancaster. You'll be back soon. Sawyer looked out the window, the passing cars a blur that did nothing to calm his mind.

“Is everything alright, sir?” The driver’s voice broke him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.” He turned back to the window. He wasn’t usually so abrupt, but Sawyer just wasn’t in the chatty mood.

Sawyer tried to focus on the mental list of things that needed doing, mainly telling Mark that he would be moving to Colorado and opening a permanent office there once he’d sorted his business dealings on this trip.

He probably should have his head checked for wanting to move his whole life after about six weeks with Ford, but he wasn't worried. Because he was hearing the same voice that had driven him to buy a dilapidated apartment building in New York, renovate it, and then flip it. It was also the same that said he should buy his first Subway franchise—his first of many—and led him to every other positive and profitable decision since.

The door opening and the sound of an airport announcement jarred Sawyer out of his thoughts, finally noting they’d arrived. The driver moved to the trunk and got his luggage out. It wasn't the large suitcase he’d brought with him. Instead, it was a smaller rolling bag he'd borrowed from Ford, since Sawyer figured leaving his things in Amber Falls was more efficient. No point taking things to New York since he’d just have to bring it all back.

Besides, knowing that his clothes still hung beside Ford's in the closet did something to his chest. He got out of the car and a cold breeze blew through. Sawyer buttoned his coat and pulled his gloves out of the pockets, only another pair fell out at the same time. Sawyer bent over to pick them up, a pair of

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