he was passionate and sometimes let his heart rule his head in certain cases. That was just him. He was also a great investigator.

Every day he made me proud.

He was frowning at me.

Oh. I’d been staring. I straightened up, clearing my throat. “You have a very generous master.”

“Indeed, I do, sir.”

“When can we see him? Now?”

“Yes. In a moment. Firstly, I must ask you to leave your weapons behind.” She clicked her fingers, and a butler hurried in, same submissive stance as the maid. He was carrying an empty tray.

“What?” Jake asked.

“Your weapons. This is a safe space, one that my master wishes to keep free of violence and bloodshed.”

I noticed Jake bite his bottom lip to hold back the words bubbling within.

“We would rather keep them on us,” I answered.

“I am afraid it is the house rules. If you wish to converse with my master, you must obey his word.”

“I see.”

She jotted something down on the paper attached to her clipboard. “I will let you decide your next course of action between you. I shall wait.”

We put some distance between us and Sandra to talk.

Jake sighed. “I guess we don’t really have a choice, do we?” He scratched the side of his stubbly face, but my attention went to his hair. It was free of product, all fluffy and adorable. He’d been in comfy mode before having to leave the house. Whatever mode he presented did it for me—comfy, groomed, the whole package. There was something cuddly about this current presentation, reminding me of snuggles in front of the television.

Stop staring! “Y-yes, yes. If we want to get that stone back.”

Dammit! I was getting hard thinking about things I shouldn’t be within these walls—other things that took place in front of the TV back at home.

“You okay?” he asked.

I nodded in response, giving my throat a good clear out. “I’m fine. Right, so we hand over the weapons.”

Jake’s eyes flicked over to the butler, then his mouth spread into a grin. “Seen that poxy tray? He thinks he’s gonna get my spear on that?” He chuckled quietly. “What a knob. Brem, I mean.”

I smiled back at him. “Vamp didn’t think it through, did he?”



His nose touched mine. “Let’s get this done.” He removed his spear from the strap on his back.

I removed my knuckledusters, as well as my potion belt and dagger hidden beneath my black coat.

The butler stepped forward, head bowed, fang marks clear and present on his neck. He was a young guy, probably early twenties—tall and blond, too pale and too thin.

No fucking judgment, right?

I put my weapons on the tray.

“Dank u wel,” he thanked me in Dutch.

“Let’s face it, mate,” Jake said to him, “you may as well not bother with that tray.”

“You may take it,” Sandra said to the man.

The butler nodded and took the spear, holding the tray in one hand. He thanked Jake.

Sandra clicked her fingers, and the servants scurried away. “Your cooperation is appreciated.”

“Of course.”

Jake took my hand in his, not saying anything.

I entwined my fingers with his.

“Please, follow me,” Sandra said, “I will take you to my master.”

Brem’s drawing room was through the door next to the one his staff had used, opening into a small corridor with another chandelier and expensive art before Sandra led us through into a large room with the same décor, more amazing paintings, and some marble sculptures—serious money had been paid for those.

“Master.” She bowed at the creature sitting over by an open fire. Then made her exit.

The vampire sat in a huge crimson chair with obsidian wooden arms and legs, swirling a glass of red wine in one hand, a pipe in the other. The smell of the pipe had my old cravings for cigarettes raging. I’d quit for Jake and our daughter, as well as me, going completely cold turkey four years ago. I barely missed it, but every now and again, I’d catch the scent of tobacco and get a pang of longing for just one more drag.

Ignoring that stupid side of me, I said, “Thanks for agreeing to see us.”

Brem regarded me with crimson eyes.

His skin was alabaster, his brown hair neatly shaped and accentuating his widow’s peak. His cheekbones were as sharp as glass.

I’d only met him once before, a brief chat one night at a bar in the red-light district.

“Koude nacht,” he said.

“Elke centimeter van mij is bevroren,” I replied. It was true—I was frozen all over.

“Good to see you using the language, Mr. Tseng.”

“Thanks. So, is Sonny here?”

“The cold has made you hasty. Why not sit down and enjoy a beer with me?”

“No, thanks.”

“Mr. Winter?”

Jake shook his head.

“Very well. Yes, Sonny the Snake is here with us. He’s asked for my protection.”

“And I guess you’ve obliged?”

He smirked, exposing his fangs. That wasn’t red wine in his glass. “Naturally. I always like to partake in a bargain.”

Shit. “What would that be?”

“Why should I tell you? You’re trying to hurt my charge.”

“You know better than that,” I retorted.

He took a sip of blood. “He seemed pretty scared to me.”

“This all happened pretty fast,” Jake added. “We weren’t that far behind him.”

“How is that relevant, Mr. Winter?”

“It’s very relevant. Why did you even let him in?”

“I was bored.”

“You what?”

“Bored, Mr. Winter. It’s been a slow few nights. I wanted some fun, so I let him in.”

“This is your idea of fun?”

“Jake,” I said softly.

I scanned the room. There wasn’t any muscle present and ready to pounce. Not that I could see anyway.

“It’s fine,” Brem said. “I’m not insulted. Just bored. Not that Sonny is a particularly interesting creature, despite his tail, but I did laugh at him carrying such a dangerous stone around.”

“That’s why we need to get it back to Mila,” I replied.

“Foolish woman letting herself get robbed like that. She needs to invest in a better security system.”

“Where is Sonny?” I asked.

“As I told you, he’s under my protection.”

“We really need that stone, Brem.”

“Then, let’s bargain.”

“No way,” Jake said. “That’s not happening.”

The vampire eyed my boyfriend

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