was obvious. He wrecked Lucy’s garden.”

“Charlie did it? But he’s been so friendly to Aunt Lucy.”

“He just pretended to be when all the time, he was scheming to make sure that he won Candlefield in Bloom. When he realised he couldn’t beat Lucy fair and square, he destroyed her garden during the night.”

“How can you know that?”

“Because, Jill, I saw him do it.”

“Just a minute. Was it you who repaired the garden?”

“Of course it was, but don’t tell Lucy. I don’t want people thinking I’ve gone soft.”

“And then you put Charlie in here?”

“A fitting punishment, I thought.”

“You can’t keep him in there indefinitely.”

“Of course not. Just for a few days. Or weeks.”

“Hold on, did you just say you were a resident of Middle Tweaking?”

“That’s right.”

“Since when?”

“Since I bought this hotel of course.”

Oh bum!


What next for Jill?

Don’t miss all the fun and excitement in the next book:

Witch Is Where Clowns Go To Die

(Witch P.I. Mysteries #38)





Whoops! Our New Flatmate Is A Human

Susan Hall Investigates Book #1

Take a shy werewolf, a wizard who fancies himself as a ladies’ man, and a vampire dying for her first taste of human blood. Then add a human for good measure.



Web site: AdeleAbbott.com

Facebook: facebook.com/AdeleAbbottAuthor


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