actual shit.”


“It had a note that said Keep your hands off my man,” I whisper into the phone. “I’m so embarrassed. The police are talking to Mr. Graham now. The whole block knows. If it’s all over the news, I guess the whole world knows.”

“How about drinks after work?”

“If I still have a job—we lost the morning, so I don’t know how late I’ll be.”

“Call me if you’re up for it,” Gabby insists.

I hear muffled voices approaching the door. “I’ve got to go. I hear him coming.”

“Thank you for your time,” Officer Parker tells Mr. Graham.

“Anytime,” Jackson says. He gives me a nod.

Officer Parker stops at my desk. “None of your fingerprints were on the inside of the box. We’ll continue to investigate. What’s the name of your ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend?”

“I’m not sure. Someone called her Collette, but I don’t know anything for certain—other than evidently she’s a cheerleader for the Goldminers.”

I watch him leave. Heather is ignoring me, so at least that’s a positive.

Finally, Jim steps out of Mr. Graham’s office. “Corrine, can you please come in here a moment?”

I nod. This is it.

Chapter 2


“Please have a seat,” Jim says to Corrine.

She’s twisting the ring on her finger, clearly nervous. “I’m really sorry.”

I smile to reassure her. “No need to apologize. We know you didn’t send the package to yourself.”

She shakes her head. “I promise you I didn’t, and I didn’t call the police about a bomb.”

“We know,” Jim assures her. “Tell us about the wives and girlfriends of the Goldminers.”

Corrine’s brow creases. “What do you mean?”

Jim sits back in his chair and gives a one-shoulder shrug. “Are they friendly and welcoming?”

“Not to new blood,” Corrine says quietly.

“New blood?” I ask.

She nods. “To new girlfriends. They usually want to be sure you’re going to stick around before they’ll commit to even talking to you.”

That makes sense. I’m sure most professional athletes have a string of girlfriends. “How long did you stick around?” That came out of my mouth before I realized it. I’m not sure why I asked or why I want to know, but I do.

Corrine looks out of my office window at the spectacular view of the Bay Bridge and Treasure Island. “For most of the season. I made a few friends.” She looks down at her hands and picks at her nails. “But after the news conference, none of them reached out to me.”

“Who were you dating?” I ask.

“I was seeing Bobby Sanders, the quarterback,” she says shyly.

I’m surprised—not because I don’t think she’s attractive, but because not once did her work product suffer. She never asked for time off, and she never mixed her social life with her work life. It’s just like her not to tell everyone she knows. She’s always kept things low-key and professional at the office.

“He’s number eighteen?” I ask.

She nods.

“Why did you break up?” I prod.

“I’m not sure. Bobby didn’t tell me.”

“What did he say?” Jim nudges.

“He didn’t.” She sits up straight and looks him in the eye. “I found out the night before last when he announced he had a new girlfriend during a television news conference.”

I’ve been accused of being an asshole, but at least I end things in person. Jeez. “Is that why you were at Of All Places last night?”

“Yes.” She looks at me and squares her shoulders. “If you don’t mind telling the staff after I leave, I’d appreciate it.” She slides me a piece of paper across the desk. “These are my passwords to all the software and company electronics I use and control. The docs open on my computer are my open tasks. I appreciate the opportunity…” Her voice cracks. “…you provided. I’ve learned a tremendous amount working for you.”

I’m dumbfounded. “You’re quitting?”

My heart begins to race. She’s the best support I’ve ever had. The thought of replacing her is insurmountable. It took me working through more than a dozen admins to find her. She can’t leave me.

Corrine’s brow creases and her lips purse. “No… Aren’t you firing me?”

“Not at all,” Jim quickly asserts. “We’re trying to figure out if you need protection. The person who did this has gone to some pretty extreme measures. We’re concerned about your safety.”

“My safety?”

“Yes, your safety. This threat brought out two full fire stations, half of the San Francisco Police Department, and ended up clearing two city blocks. And not to mention, probably twenty-five thousand employees got the morning off. We’re not taking this lightly.”

I can tell Corrine is overwhelmed and confused by the idea that this is a significant threat. But even Officer Parker made it clear that this was a big deal.

“The police will find out her name. Bobby announced that he was dating a Goldminer cheerleader. I bet she didn’t intend for this to be this big. Once they talk to her, I’m sure she’ll calm down,” Corrine says.

“I still think a team stationed outside your home twenty-four/seven is appropriate, and you’ll need someone to pick you up each morning and drop you at home after work,” I tell her.

She looks alarmed. “No. That’s not necessary.”

“I insist that you be picked up each morning and taken home at night.” To placate her, I add, “At least for the next few days.”

Jim is nodding.

“This can’t go away fast enough.” She puts her hands to her forehead and flushes a beautiful shade of pink.

Disturbingly, my cock stiffens. I’m a bit surprised by this.

Most women I know would love to have a car pick them up at their front door and drop them off, and they’d be fighting to keep it for months. But not Corrine. She’s different.

My dick’s straining against my zipper now, and I should

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