sure how you are going to make that happen.”

“Ah, well, you see, that is exactly why Tashia can help you.” RoryLynn waved her toast in Tashia’s direction.

“I have this little black book.” Tashia pulled it out of her purse and opened it.


“Now, let me see, there is Dave… huh, but he is kind of seeing someone at the moment…”

“Tashia, what are you doing?” Dread pooled in Harriet’s stomach.

“I’m going to set you up with one of my friends.”

“Friends? Or do you mean exes?”

“No, not necessarily. I keep names in here of people I haven’t dated, too.”

Harriet put her head in her hands. “Oh, God, I thought you were all my friends.”

Lori put her arm around Harriet’s shoulders. “It’s just a date to get the ball rolling.”

Katie patted her hand. “To help you get back in the driving seat.”

“It’s just to get over the first step.” RoryLynn topped up her coffee.

Harriet looked at each of them and realized her protests would fall on deaf ears. “Fine. I suppose it won’t hurt.” She tried to sound upbeat, though her stomach filled with dread. “So, who’ve you got lined up for me?”

Tashia’s grin went from ear to ear. “Give me five minutes to set something up.” She got up from the table and disappeared out onto the patio.

Harriet studied her friend through the window as she paced back and forth. Tashia made several calls, each time checking her little black book before dialing someone else. Harriet cringed. Great, she couldn’t even get a blind date out of Tashia’s little book of cast-off boyfriends!

Eventually, Tashia turned around and gave her a thumbs-up through the window. Harriet’s face must have paled significantly because when Tashia came back inside, Harriet heard her say, “Um, I’ll call you back to confirm, Malcom.” And then she shut off her phone.

“All arranged. I’ll tell you all about him while I give you a lift home.”

Harriet left with Tashia in stunned silence. Was she really contemplating going on a blind date? Lord only knew who Tashia had set her up with.

“Don’t look so terrified. I promise, Malcolm is cute. Um, least I think he is. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, and, to be honest, he isn’t a really close friend.”

“Jeepers, Tashia, you are not filling me with confidence.”

“Relax. We’ll Facebook stalk him when we get back to your place.”

They drove the rest of the way in silence. Harriet was growing more uncertain by the minute. When they pulled up outside Jackson’s bar, she had just about decided to tell her friend to call it off. Harriet climbed out of the car and noticed a note tucked under the windshield wiper on her own vehicle. She went and tugged it out, smiling at Logan’s message. ‘Picked up and installed a new battery for you. Got a good deal from Pete.’ She showed Tashia the note. “Logan is so nice.”

“Nice? He’s a freaking god. Have you seen that butt?”

Harriet shook her head at her friend. “He’s cute, and always so… considerate. Hmm, you have any cast-off boyfriends that are like Logan?”

Tashia rolled her eyes. “If I had, I’d have kept them for myself. Honestly, that guy makes my ovaries explode every time I see him.”

Harriet raised an eyebrow. “So, it’s not just teasing?”

“Hell, girl, it is totally teasing. He is super delicious to look at, but honestly, he is not my type. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind tangling tongues with him, but, nah, he’s too wholesome for me.”

“I believe you, thousands wouldn’t.” Harriet giggled. “Okay, I guess I need to find out more about this Malcolm guy you set me up with. You want to come up and help me stalk?”

“Oh, God, Tashia, I don’t know if I’m ready for this yet.” Harriet peered at Malcolm’s Facebook page. On the surface, he looked cute enough, but he was not really her type, as he was blonde and perhaps a little older than she was looking for. “What did you say he did again?”

“Something to do with law.”

“A lawyer?”

“I guess, I’m not really sure. But he earns a ton, look at his car.”

“Huh, fancy cars don’t impress me, Tashia. I just want a man that can hold down a job and who won’t screw around on me.”

“Well, there you go. Malcolm is solid. He doesn’t date that much. You’ve seen it yourself, his Facebook page doesn’t have a ton of girls on it.”

This was true, but then his Facebook page was pretty sparse, period. There wasn’t a whole lot of stuff on there for Harriet to gleam anything about the guy. A few trips with the boys, fishing, hiking—tame stuff. “No crazy weekend in Vegas pics, so that’s a plus. Hmm, why didn’t you guys hit it off again?”

“Honestly, I don’t remember. He was probably a little quiet for me. You know I like my men wild.”

“Hmm.” Tashia did, and Harriet didn’t, so, perhaps Malcolm might be okay. “I suppose, we could see how it goes.”

“Awesome! He’ll meet you at Solemo’s at half past eight.”

“What? Tonight? Did you already arrange this?”

“Um, might have.”

Tashia went to the mirror and fixed her hair, and Harriet got the distinct impression her friend was avoiding making eye contact with her.

“What if I’d said no?”

“Then he’d have been waiting all night, I guess. Right, I should get going. I’m having dinner with the folks tonight, so I have a dish to prepare. I’ll be at Jackson’s later for a nightcap with the girls.” Tashia hugged her. “Cheer up. The date will be fine, you’ll have fun and then tomorrow you can call me and thank me for my awesome matchmaking skills.”

Harriet scowled back. “I’m glad you are confident. Oh, well, I better decide what I’m going to wear, then.”

As Harriet let Tashia out, she couldn’t help but think she’d much prefer a night out with the girls in Logan’s bar. It would literally take her five minutes to get there and five minutes to walk home afterwards. No taxis, and no

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