her by the hand and dropped to one knee.

Ashley’s eyes widened as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black box with a ring in it. Ashley noticed Yvette was crying. The hair, the make-up, the oil, and perfumes… her cousin must have known about this.

“Ashley, these few days have been the most incredible days I have ever had in my life. You are a gem, amazing, strong and your spirit reminds me of my mother’s. You have a good heart. Ashley, will you let me be your husband, your Prince Charming. Will you marry me?”

“I-I…Niles… um, yes,” Ashley heard herself say. She couldn’t believe she’d said yes so easily, but she felt confident and sure of her yes. Even more so than when her ex asked her.

“We don’t have to rush into anything. We can take this as slow as you want. Hopefully, it will only take a year,” Niles laughed.

“We can work it out,” Ashley said.

“Put the ring on her finger,” Yvette said.

“Right,” Niles said.

Niles slid the ring on her finger and then stood. Enveloping her in a strong embrace, he kissed her.

“Well, folks I think I did my job.” Yvette blotted at her face and waved. They kissed as Yvette walked back toward the hotel.

Niles pulled away, “I’m booked to do this retreat for another week. Will you stay here with me, Ashley?”

Ashley smiled. “I could use another week of this Bahama living, but I have to check in with my job. And I used my savings to come here.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll make it work. I can take care of everything.” He kissed her again.

Ashley could barely catch her breath even after Niles pulled his lips from hers. She was experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. What would her mother say about her coming back to Houston engaged and her fiancé living out of state? She’d always tried to please her mom, would she be disappointed in her daughter?

Panic tried to set in but it was overruled by how she felt about Niles. He felt right to her, they would just take things slow. Ashley had a strong feeling that it was meant to be and that it would work out for her this time.

“I can’t believe this is happening so fast, Niles, but it feels so right. I’ve waited a long time for someone just like you and you have adult teeth. Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I’m positive. I know what I want and what I’ve been praying for. Like I said, we can do this at your pace. I would never rush you.”

“I appreciate you doing that. I believe we will be more than ok. We just have to keep God first and do things the way he wants them to be done. I do believe in premarital counseling as well. I’m sure you do too being a man of the cloth.”

“It will be fine. But, what did you mean by I have adult teeth?”

“Long story, I’ll tell you later. For now, why don’t we go get one of those his and her massages at the spa?”

“I can massage you.”

“Nope, not happening. We’ll have plenty of time for that when we get married. We will lead by example. No sex till marriage.”

“You mean no more sex,” Niles teased.

She nudged him. “Stop it, let’s eat and then go get those massages.”

Niles kissed Ashley’s ring finger. The white linen on the dining table continued blowing in the wind. The neatly arranged plates, silverware, wine and wine glasses on the table secured the cloth like an anchor. While the waves splashed underneath the boardwalk, the violinist continued his sweet melody, and Ashley and Niles took a seat at the table.

About the Author

Donya Fenner was born in Hearne, Texas, where she discovered at the tender age of eight that she had a gift of writing. Divorce Retreat is her fourth book. She is also the author of A Creative Creature’s Testimony, Second Chances and She Pact: Sisterhood.

Fenner is the founder of Creative Creature Women’s Organization in Los Angeles, California. Creative Creature is a nonprofit organization whose primary goal is to improve the lives of women and children who are victims of domestic violence by providing a haven for recovery, respite, and rehabilitation. The mission is to reach and transform the lives of women, one community at a time.

Donya has been a resident of Los Angeles, California since 2005.

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