him throw you out!”

The two men stepped back in apparent confusion. They turned their heads to confer and once more Vicky saw what she now thought of as their “human masks” flicker. There were definitely scales under there. And also slitted yellow eyes, like a lizard’s. Vicky repressed an internal shiver. Yup, these were bad guys for sure.

For a moment it seemed like her verbal assault had deterred the copy/paste twins. But then they took a simultaneous step towards the booth again and both pointed at the big Kindred.

“This is not true—you are not mated to this male. You are perpetrating an untruth to confuse and distract.”

“Is that right?” the Kindred asked, arching one dark eyebrow at them. “You’re accusing my lovely mate of being a liar? You think we’re not really together?”

“Most certainly you are not,” one of the twins said. “You have only just met her.”

“But if I wasn’t mated to her, would I do this?”

The big Kindred pulled Vicky close and returned her earlier kiss—but on the lips.

Vicky felt her breath hitch in her throat as his mouth met hers. The kiss was gentle yet firm and he seemed to be really enjoying himself. Still half tipsy, she kissed him back and for a moment, forgot all about the weird alien twins standing in front of them.

His lips parted and his tongue teased the seam of her lips, asking for entrance. With a little moan, Vicky opened for him. God, he tasted as good as he smelled! Spicy and hot—a little like cinnamon, she decided. Reaching up, she ran a hand through his thick, wild hair and drew him closer.

It was the first kiss she’d had in years—other than a perfunctory peck on the cheek, which was what her sex life with Kevin had been reduced to before they split—and she was thoroughly enjoying it.

Unfortunately, she didn’t get to enjoy it for long because the copy/paste twins interrupted her.

“This is nothing but a diversion,” the first twin declared, looking at the Kindred. “You will hand over the T’lix-Kruthe and come with us at once.”

“But I don’t have any T’lix-Kruthe, whatever that is!” the Kindred exclaimed, all wide-eyed innocence. “You can search me if you want.” Then he pulled Vicky even closer and murmured in her ear. “Watch my body—I’m going to create a distraction for a minute. When I do, get out of this place and run. I’ll find you later.”

Vicky looked at him with wide eyes, not sure what to make of this. What had he meant when he asked her to “watch his body?”

But just then, the big Kindred seemed to go to sleep all at once. At least, he slumped in his seat and his eyes closed while his breathing grew heavy and deep. It was either sleep or sudden unconsciousness, Vicky thought.

Suddenly one of the copy/paste twins stood up straighter and looked at the other.

“You know,” he said in a conversational voice much different from the flat tone he had been using. “I believe him. I think we’re bothering the wrong male. We ought to just leave this nice couple alone and let them enjoy the anniversary of their joining.”

“What are you speaking of?” the other demanded. “This is obviously the thief. We have tracked him halfway across the galaxy and now you wish to give up?”

“I don’t think it’s him,” the other twin said, shrugging. “I really don’t—we should just go. Come on—let’s head back to the ship.”

He started for the door but then something seemed to happen to his body. One leg moved forward, while the other seemed to be trying to move back. It was almost as though his body was fighting with itself, Vicky thought, watching in fascination. As though one half of him was trying to leave while the other half wanted to stay.

The other copy/paste twin seemed to notice the same thing.

“Are you well?” he asked his twin, frowning. “You are behaving in a very strange manner.”

“I…we…we should go,” the first twin panted. His body was stretched out now, as though invisible hands were pulling him in two different directions. “We should…” He threw back his head and suddenly howled, “Get out of my head!”

Vicky stared at him, shocked, as he stumbled and fell to his knees, clutching the sides of his head. His human mask flickered again—showing a scaly, lizard-like visage with slitted yellow eyes.

At the same time, the Kindred warrior beside her seemed to suddenly wake up. He looked at Vicky, frowning.

“Why didn’t you run?” he demanded.

“Well, I—”

“Hang on—I’m going into the other one. This time when I do, you get out of here!”

Then he slumped in his seat again and appeared to go back to sleep.

Suddenly, the second copy/paste twin straightened up and looked down at the one which was still crouching on the ground.

“You don’t look so good, brother,” he said, reaching for his friend. “Come—let’s get you back to the ship and seek some medical attention.”

“I do not know…I feel strange.” The first twin looked up again, his mask still flickering. “The Kindred—he was inside my brain. He made me say and do things I did not wish to say or do.”

“Yes, yes, of course he was,” the other twin said soothingly. “Which is all the more reason to get away from him and seek medical help. Come on.”

“But…but the T’lix-Kruthe—our greatest treasure!” the first twin protested.

“We’ll find it later. Let’s go.” The second twin continued to tug at his arm insistently.

By this time, Vicky saw, they had drawn the attention of the burly bartender and several of the other bar patrons. There were unfriendly stares and whispers as one twin helped the other to his feet and the two of them walked towards the door.

She looked back and forth between the apparently sleeping Kindred

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