that weekend would change everything.


Like always, I first need to thank my husband. No one’s prouder of me than he is, and if you sit still long enough, he’ll have no problem telling you.

Next, my son. L.J., you are literally the brightest star in my sky. You made me a mom and I’ll never be able to tell you how grateful I am for that. Stay perfect.

Now, I need to thank my betas!

Sarah, you were quick and to the point and I’m so glad this book lived up to your expectations! Thank you for helping to keep me sane. Thank you for all the voice clips. And most of all, thank you for making Daisy say “Hello, Heather” in her ADORABLE accent.

Brianna, I really wasn’t sure you’d be able to find time for this with you currently incubating a whole person, but you pulled through for me. I wasn’t kidding when I said I couldn’t publish this book without your input. Thank you so much for your help!

Charlee, you sped through my books in basically a weekend just so you could help me out with this one. You are truly amazing and I’m so glad I met you.

Amanda, our working relationship is still so new but I’m not sure what I did before you. Thanks for everything!

I also had a ton of people read my book at the last minute. Thanks so much to Melissa, Dannah, Narelle, Annie, Tiffany, Karrie, Kayleigh, Taylor, Jenn, Maddie, Hannah, and Megan! You ladies were amazing. Thank you so much for helping me out in the eleventh hour!

I would also be remiss if I didn’t thank my editor, Kyra. Thank you for making me sound much smarter than I really am.

And as always, I need to thank my readers. I hope you were able to escape for a few hours while you read this. Thank you so much for reading, and I promise, there’s more to come!

About the Author

Heather MacKinnon is a romance author living in North Carolina with her husband, adorable son, and two trouble making dogs. She grew up on Long Island and spent her young adult years in various states in New England. This led to her subsequent addiction to Dunkin’ Donuts lattes and her gratuitous use of the word “wicked”. After a lifetime of enjoying other people’s words, she decided to write down some of her own. You can get up-to-date information about Heather MacKinnon’s books at

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