the counter. “As soon as Rachel gets here, I’m gone.” And just as I say it, Rachel waves as she walks in the front door, dressed in her white lab coat with her auburn hair pulled back in a low ponytail. I was her tech when I was in college, and ever since then, we’ve been best friends.

“Good afternoon, ladies,” she calls out happily.

I set my purse on the counter. “What’s got you in a good mood?” I ask, staring curiously at her. “It’s April Fool’s. Doesn’t Robert usually prank you with something?”

Groaning, she walks around to the back of the counter. “Yes. And I hate it. I’m still waiting to see what he has up his sleeve today.” Robert is her husband. They’ve been married for ten years and have been trying to have kids ever since. I keep praying it’ll happen for them.

I grab my purse and slide it up to my shoulder. “Maybe you should prank him? He deserves it.”

She smirks. “Maybe. I’ll have to think about it.” Her grin widens and I get a feeling there’s something going on. “Have you gotten any phone calls recently?” she asks.

Brows furrowed, I glance over at Cecilia and then back to Rachel. “No, why?”

Rachel shrugs, but I can see the mischief behind those hazel eyes of hers. “No reason.”

And just then, my phone rings. I pull it out of my purse to see that it’s my sister. Rachel’s face lights up and she watches me. “What are you doing?” I ask, looking at her like she’s lost her mind.

She turns away, but still stays close. “Nothing at all. I wonder what your sister wants.” She peers at me over her shoulder and smiles.

“Nosy much,” I say with a laugh. I slide my finger across the screen to accept the call. “Erin, what’s up?”

“Hey, sis. You off work yet?”

“Yep. Getting ready to walk out,” I say. Rachel is clearly trying to listen in, and it makes me wonder what’s up. She’s good friends with my sister, but I can’t think of what they’d be in cahoots about. Then again, they’re trying to set me up with their husbands’ friends all the time.

Erin giggles. “Good. Do you mind stopping by the station on your way?”

Rachel tries to hide her smile and fails. “Sure. Care to tell me what’s going on? Rachel’s barely keeping it together here.”

Erin groans. “She’s so horrible at keeping secrets. Get out of there before she spills the beans. I want to tell you first.”

“Be right there.” We hang up, and before Rachel opens her mouth to speak, I hold up a hand. “Don’t say another word. Apparently, you and my sister know something I don’t. She wants me out of here before you squeal.”

I hurry past her and she breaks out in laughter. “Fine, go. But I want to talk to you tonight.”

Throwing my hand in the air, I wave as I jet for the door. The TV station isn’t far away so it only takes me ten minutes to get there. When I walk in, Erin is at the front desk waiting for me. For sisters, we look nothing alike. I take after our mother and Erin looks exactly like our father with his brown eyes and dark brown hair.

She opens her arms and hugs me excitedly. “Yay, you’re here. Let’s go to my office.”

I love that she’s so happy, but it’s got me curious. “What’s going on? I want in on the news that you apparently told Rachel before me.”

We get to her office and she shuts the door behind me. “I know. I know. I’m sorry. I was on the phone with her when I got the news. Everything’s just happened so fast.” She motions to the two chairs in front of her desk and I sit down. Her excitement has me aching to know.

“Tell me,” I say quickly. “I have to know.”

Erin sits down behind her desk and blows out a sigh. “Remember a couple months ago when I told you I had a great idea for a reality TV dating show?”

I was liking where this was going. A big smile spreads across my face. “Yeah. Your boss wanted something holiday related.”

She beams. “Exactly. And he didn’t want the usual Christmas or Valentine’s Day crap. That’s what everyone else pitched to him. But do you want to know what I came up with?”

I’m literally on the edge of my seat. If there’s one thing I love about my sister, it’s that she’s super creative. “What?”

She takes a deep breath and lets it out slow. “You are looking at the newest producer of an Easter holiday special called A Date for the Hunt. We’re going to have ten single men and ten single women. All will be headed to Aruba in two weeks to have the biggest Easter egg hunt of their lives.”

Mouth gaping, I’m impressed but also intrigued. Nothing like that has ever been on TV before. “I think that’s amazing,” I tell her. “What all do you have planned?”

Her face lights up even more. “For starters, everyone will arrive in Aruba, including myself. I get to oversee the entire production. Jason gets to come with me too. It’ll be a two-week vacation.”

I laugh. “The perks of being a TV producer.”

She rolls her eyes. “Hey, I work my ass off. I deserve to go. Anyway, back to the show. Everything will be televised. Once everyone is settled, the women will be given an egg. On Easter night, they will hide those eggs at the resort, then the men will go out and search for them. None of the men or women have seen each other so at the big reveal, it’ll be a surprise.”

“And let me guess,” I cut in, “the man who finds a certain woman’s egg will be paired with each other?”

Erin nods and claps her hands. “You got it. For two weeks, they will do everything together. Excursions, snorkeling, lounging on the beach. You name it. This is totally different

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