assumed human form, who sought out the one who loved

him above all else. The one who loved him so much she was

willing to die for him, and to be reborn. The one who would

past the test.

And she was that goddess. She knew that now, her

heart beating faster with proud certainty. From the moment



she had met him she had known him – seen past his brilliant

blue eyes and cruel charm to the flame burning within. And

she had wanted it so badly – for the tales to be true. For the

legend to be real. To be his goddess. And it had been proven

true. She had not run from him, from the danger of his

desires. She had stood by him, borne his passion, burned to

his touch.

And now she would summon the Sacred Flame.

It was time. She would fulfill her destiny. The great

task of the stones – from these small, hot gems she would

make the fire.

But first she had to pass the test. A bonfire had been

prepared for her in the basin of the volcano, drawing its

strength from the volcano below. She would walk through

the flames. She would stand in their heat.

But she would not be burned.

She would simply be reborn, her goddess form made



She whirled around to face him, and her face

crumpled with compassion. She knew this man – she knew


Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

he was the enemy of her love. His ways were not her ways;

he belonged to the realm of water. That shadowy cool force

that only dampened her flames. She had loved him, once –

but she could not think of that now. That was before she had

learned who he was – that was before she had discovered her

destiny as Queen of Fire.

“Don't do it – it's too much a risk I can't save you

from these. Even my power won't extinguish these flames.

It's too much a risk.”

The Fire King scoffed. “Some faith you have in her,

cousin! Be off with you!”

“Please – it's too dangerous. You're risking her life.”

“I have found my love,” the Fire King said. “She has

found me. She is the Goddess. Let not your petty jealousy

blind you to that fact. She is mine now.”

The girl's eyes were wide with sorrow. “I'm sorry,”

she whispered to the man. “I'm so sorry.”

But she did not hesitate. She turned and walked

proudly towards the bonfire, which set the night blazing with

its light. Flames licked at the hem of her dress; she could feel

its scalding heat. But she knew it would not burn her. She



knew it would not hurt her.

She had to prove her faith. She had to prove her love.

She had to jump in.

No sooner was she in the midst of the flames than she

knew something had gone wrong. Her skin was blistering;

agony beat in her blood. She screamed and could not scream,

for her mouth was filled with smoke, with fire.

“Help!” The cry escaped her lips. “Somebody help


But there was nothing they could do. The greatest

oceans in the world could not have put the fire out. She heard

them yelling, screaming, calling her name – she saw,

between the licking of the flames, them running towards her,

repelled by the magic that guarded the bonfire, thrown upon

their backs. Her screams choked into nothingness; her pain

became nothingness too. She heard them screaming her

name as she died.

And then the flames were gone, carrying with them

her body, turned to ash, and the ashes blew forth over the

silent night. All that was left of her – scattered to the winds.

“No...” The Fire King was doubled over. He felt her


Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

pain. He felt her burn. Tears were stinging at his eyes. “No!”

“You killed her. You fool – you killed her!”

“She was the goddess!”

“She wasn't a goddess – she was a girl. My girl. And

you killed her!” A punch, a blow. The Fire King did not

bother fighting back. He let the Water King kick him, bruise

him, spit upon him; he let his blood run freely into the earth.

This pain was better, he thought. Anything was better than

the guilt that was overtaking him.

The guilt running alongside the fear.

For he knew now, with terrible certainty – time was

running out. The woman he loved was not his goddess. She

was dead – gone from him forever. And if he did not find his

goddess soon, then the whole world would suffer for it.



Chapter 1

Mackenzy (Mac)

Three Years Later

The flames licked gently at the twigs, the embers

gleaming red and orange beneath the night sky. The night –

an endless black punctuated intermittently by stars – had

taken on an eerie glow. I leaned in to feel the warmth from

the fire. I couldn't take my eyes from the flames, each one

bearing upwards towards the stars, flickering and lapping

and licking, as if each of them was participating – too – in

the dance. For they were all dancing, not just the fires but the

girls, their hips shaking in time to the music. Their grass

skirts elegantly shuffled from one side of their toned,

graceful bodies to another; the leis they wore sparkled in the

light of the flames. I had never seen so much color before.

Green and red, yellow and orange – the flowers seemed to

be dancing, too.


Princes of Paradise (M.A.G.E. #1 )

The sight took my breath away. I had

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