(Plon, 1985).

73Monsieur X, Memoires secrets, (editions Denoel, 1998).

74Mossad, (Stanke, 1977).

75L’ttl deTel-Aviv, (edition speciale, 1970).

7625 June 1971.

77HVA (Hauptverwaltung Aufklarung): Main Directorate for Reconnaissance.

78Authors of a Guide to Espionage (Le Cherche-Midi, 1998). According to them, the HVA resorted to considerable means and their results had largely satisfied the Soviets.

79Parfaits espions, (Le Rocher, 2007).

80Gehlen: a former Nazi general and founder of the West German intelligence agency at the instigation of the Americans. See chapter 8.

81In his book, The Mitrokhin Archive.Vol I:The KGB in Europe and the West the author asserts that Gabriele Gast had a real fascination for Markus Wolf.

82Un Vitnamien bien tranquille, (Equateurs, 2006),

83Cruel avril 1975, (Robert Laffront, 1987).

84A heroic figure in the North Vietnam Army, who left his country in 1990. Nine years later he published Vietnam, la face cachee du regime (Kergour), which is where this extract is taken from.

85See Chapter 14.

86In this article, published by La Croix on 10 February 1999, the journalist supports the theory that the East German archives were allegedly stolen by the CIA, while at the same time acknowledging that he did not know how the Americans had got their hands on them.

87Junker was an aristocrat and great land owner.

88Partido Obrero Unificacion Marxista (Workers Party of Marxist Unification), a Spanish revolutionary party formed in 1935.

89Formally the Cheka before becoming the NKVD and finally the KGB after the Second World War.

90The Mitrokhin Archive. Vol I:The KGB in Europe and the West (Allen Lane, 1999)

91Le Monde, 10 October 1992. The journalist had dedicated a long article to Willy Brandt, following his death earlier that month.

92Les MaLtres-espions, (Robert Laffont, 1994). The two authors are referring to the case of Hans-Joachim Tiedge.

93L’^il de Berlin, written with the journalist Maurice Najman, (Balland, 1992).

94In this story, the main protagonist's surname is not given as the author does not wish to cause any unnecessary harm to the person in question.

95It was not until the defection of his friend, Stiller, that we would be able to put a face to this mysterious name, when he identified Wolf on a photograph taken during a meeting of key figures in the East German Communist Party.

96See Chapter 1.

97The KGB en France, (Grasset, 1986).

98Services secrets sous Francois Mitterrand, (La Decouverte, 1988).

99Every Spy a Prince:The Complete History of Israel’s Intelligence Community (Houghton Mifflin, 1990).

100Israel, ultra-secret, (Robert Laffont, 1989).

101See Chapter 11.

102The New Yorker, 1999.

103Les Espions, realites et fantasmes, (Ellipse, 2008). The author had been the coordinator of French intelligence services during the Algerian War.

104Golitsyn, a former KGB officer, convinced Angleton that all western intelligence services had been infiltrated by the Soviets. This resulted in a mole hunt that had seriously destabilised the agencies in question, so much so that some even wondered whether Angleton himself was being controlled by the KGB.

105See Chapter 1.

106See Chapter 22.

107See Chapter 23.

1087 July 1984.

10918 July 1984.

110Editorial, 7 July 1984.

11128 September 1985.

112Le Matin, 6 November 1985.

113Histoire de I’espionage mondial, (Editions du Felin, 2002).

114Icon, (Bantam Press, 1996). In this novel, the author uses Ames as the protagonist.

115The Mitrokhin Archive. Vol I:The KGB in Europe and the West (Allen Lane, 1999)

116See Chapter 21.

117Histoire de l’espionage mondial, (Editions du Felin, 2002).

118‘Le plus grand desastre de l'historie de la defense nationale', Spectacle du monde (1994).

119See Chapter 22.

120See Chapter 1.

121Time Magazine, 5 March 2001.

122An internet website that publishes information on the world of intelligence. It cites extracts from the FBI dossier, in particular a passage from one of the typed letters that the spy sent to his correspondents.

123As in a lot of other American administrations, federal agents must all accept that their fingerprints are taken when they join the bureau.

124Le Monde, March 2001.

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