
Me: Miss you too, babe

Celia sent a kiss sticker

Kent: How about tomorrow night?

Me: The date?

Kent: Yes

Me: Yes, I’ll try my best :)

Kent: Ah, gotta love a girl like you!

Me: I agree!

Me: There is only one me in the whole world :D

Kent: LMAO, you’re funny

Jane texts arrives after the last text from Kent.

Jane: Ugh

Jane: Gotta love headaches

Me: You drunk again?

Jane: Am I?

Me: You know it’s illegal, Jane

Me: You’re eighteen

Jane: Not in other states, ha

Me: we’re in Virginia…

Jane: I’m not even sure if I was even born here

Me: It’s on your birth certificate, Jane

Jane: OMG, Celia, you’re a genius!

Me: ….

Max texted me again.

Max: Helloooooo

Me: I’m here

Max: What should I do now?

Me: Act like you don’t care about him, and he might come to you

Max: Are you sure?

Me: I don’t know, that’s what Google says

Max: I’ll give it ago, then

Me: Good luck

Celia sent a heart sticker

Max: LUV U

Me: Love you too

Kent finally sent another text.

Kent: Gotta go, see you tomorrow night?

Me: It’s a date :)

Kent: Goodnight, Boo

Me: Goodnight, babe

Jane sent me something on Bubblechat as well.

Jane sent a middle finger sticker

Celia sent a poop sticker

Jane: LOL

Me: Good night

Jane: Goodniiiiiiight

Chapter Three

In my art class, I sat near the guy who’d stared at me a few days ago. Mrs. Jensen was talking about an assignment. She had her bun set high on her head, and wore enormous eyeglasses.

She looked stylish for a teacher, and was fairly young. She was also pretty. That made some guys whisper amongst themselves, and I bet they were talking about her body. It was obvious from the way they looked at her from head to toe. There was also a rumor about her relationship with a student in this campus, but who knew if it was a true story or not.

“This assignment is about expressing yourselves and unlocking your emotions to the world,” she explained with hand gestures. “Draw, write, create. Anything artistic. This is not a group assignment, just pairs, so you should choose your pairs wisely.”

I raised my hand up high, and she noticed me. “Yes, Celia.”

“When is the deadline?” I asked.

“You should hand me your assignments within two weeks. I expect to see, read, or feel your art.”

The guy beside me raised his hand, too. My eyes went to his ridiculous yellow Pokémon shirt and I sighed. He couldn’t be that cheesy with his clothing. That guy had no sense of style, and with the messy haircut he had, seriously, did he not comb his hair?

“Yes, Ned?” the teacher called.

“Err, can I pick someone hot?” he asked.

The students laughed out loud, and that made me giggle. That was really cheesy for him to say. Mrs. Jensen bit her lip behind her laugh, “Of course, you can. Any other real questions?”

No one answered.

“Okay then, see you next week,” she said, and walked out of the class as cheeky as anything.

I collected my stuff and my handbag, and walked out of the class. While moving across the campus, I heard footsteps behind me, and someone called, “Hey, Celia!”

I turned around, and there was that guy again. He looked at me, without saying a word. He looked like he saw a celebrity, with his mouth open. Ned had blue eyes and dark hair. He was good-looking. That is, he would be, if he took care of himself and wore something sensible. “Um, do you need something?” I asked to snap him back to reality.

“Oh, I, I, I…” He stuttered. “I just wanted to know if you have a partner?”

“I actually have a boyfriend,” I replied.

He waved his hands in the air dismissively, “No, no, that’s not what I meant. I mean, about the project.”

I shook my head. “Yeah, right, sorry. I don’t have a partner.”

“Would you accept me?”

I bit my lip, thought about it, but then my phone rang. I looked at my phone and it was Kent on the other end. “Hey, boo, I’ve been waiting for you outside.”

“On my way,” I told him and started fast walking on my heels to the exit, but Ned kept following me.

“Will you?” he said in a hurry. He was panting by now, and I wanted to get rid of him.

I was in a hurry and haven’t given any thought about it. Something inside me made me say, “Yes!”

“I need your number so we can discuss the project,” he said, and gave me his phone while we walked fast together. I typed my number and gave him his phone back. Finally, he stopped following me. Kent’s car was parked outside, and I got in.

We passionately kissed, and then he started driving.

“Who was that guy?” Kent asked while he weaved in and out of traffic.

“You mean Ned?” It was time to set the record straight, just so there would be any misunderstanding. “We’re on a class project together. That’s all.”

Kent nodded as he looked ahead, his eyes on the road. He glanced at me and smiled. “What’s on your mind?” I asked.

He reached his hands to me, and stroked my cheek, “Are you ready for a late evening picnic?” His right eye fluttered in a wink. Romantic, yes, and it sent a shiver through me, a pleasant one.

“I’m ready for anything.”

The park wasn’t far away from the campus. Kent parked his car, and we entered the park, while Kent carried a picnic basket. We walked together, our hands interlaced. The sun was setting, and the stars started to become visible in the rapidly darkening sky.

Kent got a spot on the grass, and unfolded the picnic blanket on the ground. He then lay

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