Recession, 13–14

Renaissance, 130

Reni, Guido, 131–32

Revolutionary War, 23, 121

Rheumatic fever, 49

Richard III (Shakespeare), 31

Romantics, 88

Rome, 6, 118, 145–46, 150–51, 159

expatriate women’s artists’ colony in, 126, 129–40, 165

Romeo and Juliet, 97

Charlotte as Romeo in, 3, 5, 7, 58, 60, 97, 100–107, 111–12, 121, 126, 136, 142, 144–45, 174

costars as Juliet in, 100–103, 112–13, 118, 142

versions of text of, 101–2, 179

Rossini, Ghioachino, 29

Royal Theatre (London), 46

St. Charles Theatre (New Orleans), 34–35, 40

St. James Theatre (New Orleans), 34

St. Louis, Missouri, 121, 124, 141, 142, 144

St. Paul’s Chapel (New York City), 44, 71

Salem, Massachusetts, 10, 22

“Salve Regina” (Stoddard), 3

Sand, George, 109, 118, 126–27

Saratoga, New York, 163

San Francisco Chronicle, 173

Sargent, John Singer, 161

Sault Saint Marie, Michigan, 125

Scènes de La Vie de Boheme (Murger), 108

Scotland, 29, 94

Scott, Walter, 60–65, 174

Seminoles, 14

Seneca Falls Convention, 120

Seward, Fanny, 153–55, 159

Seward, Frances, 153, 159

Seward, Fred, 159

Seward, William, 150, 152, 154, 156, 159

Shakespeare, William, 9, 13, 22, 80–82, 167–68, 178–80

Charlotte’s intellectual understanding of, 78, 83

enthusiasm in 19th century America for, 3–4, 23, 47–48

Lincoln’s appreciation of, 150, 156

See also titles of plays and names of characters

Sheffield, England, 112

Shelley, Mary, 14

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 131

Shylock (character in Merchant of Venice), 143

Siddons, Sarah, 14, 22, 27, 98

as Lady Macbeth, 36–38, 37

as Hamlet, 81–82

Simpson, Edmund, 46, 59, 60, 65–66, 77

Simpson, James, 159–60

Slavery, 33, 34, 85, 120, 149

marriage for women as form of, 10, 135

opposition to, 108, 115, 153

Slums, 48, 71–72

Smith, Adam, 88

Southey, Robert, 88

Spain, 33

Spanish Steps (Rome), 129–30

Star (steamship), 41

Statue of Liberty (New York City), 2

Surgery, 5, 158–60

Steamships, 33, 41, 151

Stebbins, Emma, 4–6, 140, 141, 144–45, 159

as caregiver, 159–60, 169–70

in Newport, 164–65

in Rome, 139–40, 145–46

sculptor career of, 5, 146–47, 160

Stebbins, Henry, 147

Stoddard, Richard, 3

Story, William Wetmore, 133–34

Sturbridge, Massachusetts, 11

Sully, Blanche, 80, 89

Sully, Rosalie “Rose,” 79–81, 81, 83–90, 98–99, 111

Sully, Thomas, 79–80, 98–99

Surgery, 5, 158–60

Swift, Henry, 151–52

Tammany Hall (New York), 6

Tap dancing, 73

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 88

Thoreau, Henry David, 77

Tilden, Samuel, 2

Times of London, 104

Titus Andronicus (Shakespeare), 106

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 9

Tombs prison (New York City), 71

Tourists, 72, 129, 180

Transcendental Club, 77

Tree, Ellen, 98

Tremont Theatre (Boston), 11, 19, 24, 26, 28, 40

Trollope, Frances, 34, 75

Tudor Hall (Booth family home), 143

Twain, Mark, 152, 171

Tybalt (character in Romeo and Juliet), 103

Underground Railroad, 120

Union Army, 150–51

Sanitary Commission of, 151

Unitarian church, 27

Upham, Charles W., 22

Vandenhoff, George, 96, 178

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 2

Vermont, 12

Victoria, Queen, 105, 160

Virginia, 150, 158

Voyage of the Beagle, The (Darwin), 88

Wales, 91

Walking lady roles, 59, 65, 66, 101

Walnut Theatre (Philadelphia), 77–78, 86

War of 1812, 9, 13–14

Washington, D.C., 8, 152–55

Washington, George, 44–45

Whitman, Walt, 7, 73, 98, 108, 125–26

Poetry of, 10

reviews of Charlotte’s performances by, 65, 77

Wickham, William, 2

Winter Garden (New York City), 157

Winter, William, 96

Winter’s Tale, A (Shakespeare), 106

Women’s rights, 8, 108–9, 135, 142

restrictions on, 7, 10, 18, 73

Wood, Joseph, 29, 30

Wood, Mary Ann, 28–31

Wordsworth, William, 88

Year Without a Summer, 12

Young America movement, 23

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Metropolitan Museum of Art Digital Collection. Public Domain: 164

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